Back in the early 1980s when rappers couldn't perform in the fancy venues because the police were too racist and scared, it was the punk venues letting them in to perform.
I like the way punk people perform better than rappers, because rappers suck at performing - no offense.
I've asked to go back into theaters and smaller venues because to me, in smaller venues I can really demonstrate my commitment to quality. Theaters are great containers for music.
In L.A., we played rock venues because we had a band, which hip-hop venues couldn't accommodate. And within that, we created a show which we could put on in front of anybody.
As far as dream venues, I've played all the venues I'd love to play.
I'm just happy that a couple folks still know my name, and that I'm still able to sell out venues when I perform live.
There's something about small venues that's amazing for developing material. It's almost like you can not only hear people's response, but you can understand it. In bigger venues you lose that, but you gain this sense of camaraderie in the audience.
The most beautiful part is the traveling, and getting to know different cultures and different types of people and to perform in very, very important venues in each country.
We used to wrestle every night, 385 times a year. For ten years. 365 days. Never had any holidays off, ever. Holidays were always two-day venues. Two event venues. Afternoon and night.
Americans are opting out of public venues like the playground and the sidewalk for private venues like the healthclub and the mall. We're living our lives inside one form of corporation or another.
We were gradually playing larger venues and in the early days PA systems were kind of non-existent. So to play loud, we had to use louder equipment. The PA systems back then didn't mic the instruments - only the vocals.
Playing in London in 1979 was exciting: it was at the start of new wave, the transition period after punk, and there were a lot of radical, fashionable young people on the streets and in the venues.
I was into punk rock back when I was in high school. I used to go around to dive venues and take photographs. But now it's been just much more about the country stuff and soulful folk.
I was into punk rock back when I was in high school. I used to go around to dive venues and take photographs. But now it’s been just much more about the country stuff and soulful folk.
I sent a lot of the e-mails out to venues and tried to get shows and tried to get people interested in it. It can be a tough thing, because you know these people at venues are getting e-mails like that every day, but I think just my experience in working in running a radio station.
My favorite venues are the 2,000 seat theaters, like the Warfield. If there was a Warfield in every city, I would play it. That's all I would do. I love venues like that.
The Beatles realized that what they were making in the studio could never be performed. And they had already given up on performing because there were too many screaming fans and they were playing in larger and larger venues so they couldn't even hear what they were playing, it just wasn't any fun any more.
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