A Quote by Alan Moore

There's no such thing as quitting. Just sometimes there's a longer pause between relapses. — © Alan Moore
There's no such thing as quitting. Just sometimes there's a longer pause between relapses.
I think that sometimes quitting is exactly the right thing to do. Quitting something that's not working requires self-awareness and courage.
Learning to pause is the first step in the practice of Radical Acceptance. A pause is a suspension of activity, a time of temporary disengagement when we are no longer moving toward any goal ... The pause can occur in the midst of almost any activity and can last for an instant, for hours or for seasons of our life ... You might try it now: Stop reading and sit there, doing 'no thing,' and simply notice what you are experiencing.
I have never made statements like, 'I'm quitting TV' or 'I'm quitting Bollywood.' I have always wanted to strike a balance between the two.
This is what the Sabbath should feel like. A pause. Not just a minor pause, but a major pause. Not just lowering the volume, but a muting. As the famous rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel put it, the Sabbath is a sanctuary in time.
Real freedom is the ability to pause between stimulus and response, and in that pause, choose.
An underestimated element in poetry, that reading aloud makes clear, is the pause. I mean especially the force of a pause or a couple of pauses close together, contrasted with a longer unit of grammar.
Even in the busiest lives, there is room for a sacred pause. Between actions, pause and remember who you are.
We're a direct mirror of the audience, and that shows how hip-hop has expanded. It's no longer just an urban thing, and it's no longer just an American thing, either. It's a universal thing.
The only thing that stands between you and grand success in living are these two things: getting started and never quitting!
Life is a weird thing because it puts roadblocks in front of you, sometimes you gotta go through it, sometimes you gotta go around it, sometimes you gotta take a pause and look back at what you're gonna do, have a plan.
Now, there are sometimes making a connection between one section and another that sometimes you do want to see the pattern because it helps you to lead into the next thing - it's a rhetorical thing, where you just see how the pattern has to go into the next thing.
After writing about addiction in a pair of books, I frequently hear from addicts and their family members about serial relapses followed by treatments followed by more relapses. It's not uncommon for addicts to go through a dozen treatment programs.
Sometimes I have to pause to make the distinction between Ben the teenager and Ben the businessman.
Sometimes when you're editing a movie, you have the thing that you don't expect - which is you make it longer and longer as you go along.
Just as the difference in height between males is no longer a realistic issue, now that lawsuits have been substituted for hand-to-hand encounters, so the difference in strength between men and women is no longer worth elaboration in cultural institutions.
When you have a kid, you sign on for the whole package: good, bad, everything in between. you can't just dip in and out, picking and choosing the parts you want and quitting when it's not perfect.
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