A Quote by Alastair Cook

In the end, playing for England means very little if you don't see the rest of the world around you. It is why I hate prima donnas and arrogance. — © Alastair Cook
In the end, playing for England means very little if you don't see the rest of the world around you. It is why I hate prima donnas and arrogance.
Of course there are other prima donnas around. So many of my colleagues, younger ones, are wonderful.
All very successful commanders are prima donnas and must be so treated.
There is actually a great book called Prima Donna by Rupert -Christiansen that deconstructs the myth. In fact, many of the women who were prima donnas were feminists and incredible forces for their time.
Vampires are such prima donnas.
We used to be such prima donnas.
We're all eccentrics. We're nine prima donnas.
Football's a difficult business and aren't they prima donnas. But it's a wonderful game.
Performing doesn't turn me on. It's an egomaniac business, filled with prima donnas - including this one.
One has always got to be terribly careful, since the theater is made up of a whole bunch of prima donnas, not to let the distortions occur.
I've given parties that have made Indian rajahs green with envy. I've had prima donnas break $10,000 engagements to come to my smallest dinners. When you were still playing button back in Ohio, I entertained on a cruising trip that was so much fun that I had to sink my yacht to make my guests go home.
I don't like a lot of drama on the road - I don't like prima donnas.
Evidence has been mounting for the key role that black holes play in the process of galaxy formation. But it now appears that they are likely the prima donnas of this space opera.
If I stand here, I can see the Little Red Haired girl when she comes out of her house... Of course, if she sees me peeking around this tree, she'll think I'm the dumbest person in the world... But if I don't peek around the tree, I'll never see her... Which means I probably AM the dumbest person in the world... which explains why I'm standing in a batch of poison oak.
I'm very interested in people who seem very negative and nasty and to go inside their world and see why they get that way. It makes you a little more sympathetic to them, even though I really don't want to be around those people.
Why is the world that I see around me mixed, and why is the world I see in movies filled with all white people? Why does it have to be like that?
Why not travel, why not see the rest of the world, why not experience life? It's beautiful! Phenomenal!
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