A Quote by Alex Pareene

The song 'Take This Job and Shove It' spent 18 weeks on the country charts in 1977. 1970s country music fans had a clearer understanding of the ennui of wage-slavery than modern elites.
I'm thrilled that country music fans like my stuff, but so do a lot of people outside of country music, people who just love music. My goal is more to reach music lovers than to appeal to a genre. I love country music, and I'm proud to represent it, but I don't obsess over it as a category.
We have a history in country music of writing about the darker side of things - maybe not as much in modern times, but there's a lot of cheating and self-deprecation. We sort it out in song, in country music, as a genre.
Baseball fans! Good lord! I feel like sports fans get mad at you easier than country music fans. It scares me. I'm glad that country fans don't get mad every time I mess up.
I've definitely grown a new respect for Country music and have more of an understanding of what this music means to fans and what the relationship between the fans and the artist is.
It's very un-American to say nice things about elites. Elites are often terrible. It's not like we've ever had a perfect set of benevolent democratic elites ruling over our country. But the fact of the matter is that a representative system of democracy delegates power to elites.
All music is based on country music. And that's why so many different kinds of people relate to it. There are more country music fans in New Jersey than there are down South.
The more country that my music gets, the less it fits into the country world today. It's almost like there needs to be two genres, modern country and... country?
Obviously, I love country music, so I wanna be able to live in the country music genre and then play to country music fans.
Even though I've had 20-some country No. 1 records, I still have a hard time convincing a lot of these people in the Country Music Association and the Academy of Country Music that I love country music.
Somebody told me once it takes an Americana song five minutes to say what a country song says in three - so I try to write country songs. But really, all good music is just soul music.
I'm having No. 1 hits on the country charts and that's where I always wanted to be. I've had 26 No. 1 country records. That thrills me to no end.
'Girl In A Country Song' is basically a song about what it's like to be the girl in modern day country songs and how hard it is to be this perfect Barbie doll girl that we are portrayed as.
I like that old style of country music - it seems to me that a lot of the modern country music is rehashed rock n' roll.
I'm a big country fan. I remember, as a kid, when Ray Charles did the 'Modern Sounds In Country And Western Music' record. That's one of the reasons I became a country fan.
I spent a lot of time in Europe. I spent a lot of time in United States, I know what is modern standards of life... and always, if I return to my home country, I ask my country why very simple things that works everywhere else in the world doesn't work in Ukraine.
Country music fans are extremely passionate and loyal. It seems that country artists have longer-lasting careers because the fans stick with the artists through thick and thin.
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