A Quote by Boban Marjanovic

I try to help my teammates, and they help me with the offense. It's good. We play together, and they use my height, and I feel comfortable when I go out on the court.
I can shoot the ball. I can make everybody comfortable out there, and I'm just going to try to help my teammates play better basketball if possible.
I just wanted to play hard - just to give my 100 percent to help my teammates, to help my team to win the game. That's my only goal going on the court.
You always try to make your teammates better. You help out your teammates, and they help you out in return. As they get better and better, they can help you more and more. At least, I've always seen it that way.
I try to come in, try to defend, help on defense, play as hard as possible and do whatever my coach and my teammates tell me and try to listen and get better.
I hate letting my teammates down. I know I'm not going to make every shot. Sometimes I try to make the right play, and if it results in a loss, I feel awful. I don't feel awful because I have to answer questions about it. I feel awful in that locker room because I could have done something more to help my teammates win.
There are so many places, particularly right now. Go and volunteer at a food bank. If you play the piano, go play the piano in an Alzheimer's home. Or read in an Alzheimer's home. Help a military family with babysitting. The opportunities are endless. People often think 'They want me?' or 'I can be of help?' What we try to say here is 'Be who you are.'Feel that, live it and pass it on.
I've been really fortunate where I've made stuff that connects to people on a positive level, and that makes me feel really good, but I can't feel comfortable in dictating what they're supposed to feel out of it, nor am I a professional in something where I can really help people any farther than creating the things that I make to help myself.
I just try to work hard and run the offense as good as possible. I had a lot of guys around me who made a lot of good plays to help me out.
I just go out there and try to help my teammates any way I can. They are on me a lot to be in the lineup and do stuff for the team, but sometimes it's just...frustrating.
When I do play I try to be the best to help my teammates.
Anything I can use on the court to help me is good.
When I'm in the game, in the paint, I try to use my height and help the team.
I want to... help the young guys, help my teammates, help everybody be confident and make everybody feel like they're special.
I don't play for the attention; I work on my skills every day so I can go out and play my role to the fullest to help the team win. That's my No. 1 goal when I step on the court.
It doesn't necessarily have to be championship-or-bust for me to go back to the NBA. I want to be in a situation where I thought I could help, play a little bit, and help where they have good young talent.
My main role is to help the team. And I love that role. And I love that my teammates feel comfortable coming to me.
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