A Quote by Brian Tyree Henry

My school had the dopest arts program - the dopest show choir, the dopest marching band. I couldn't sing or play an instrument a lick, but I was just going to fake it till I make it.
Coming out in a bedazzled tank top and silver jeans and singing 'Superstar' with a 36-piece band and 28 dancers around me is one of the dopest things I've ever had the opportunity to do.
I'll just say I'm lucky. I've got the dopest girl in my corner.
My mom is the best. She's the dopest. She just loves everything that's going on. She's very supportive.
I realized you can be the dopest producer technically, but if the songs don't give you emotion, it doesn't matter.
You should find the dopest producer in your area, and that producer is always going to want songs written to his beat.
Never underestimate the power of confidence. If you believe you're the dopest thing walking, you might convince people of the same just because you're so headstrong about it as a fact.
The honesty of my material and my being vulnerable was from Richard Pryor. He doesn't mind talking about his life, which is why I think he was one of the dopest to ever do it.
I only know English, so I feel like I can be the dopest French rapper ever if I learned French.
I like Jaco Pastorius' 'Portrait of Tracy.' He was this bass player who played jazz fusion. He was the dopest bass player who ever lived.
I'm not one of those artists who doubts that they made dope-ass records. From the first record to now, each record has gotten better. I started dope, so I've just gotten doper and doper and dopest and super dope.
Some days I'll be like, 'I didn't do anything great today,' and I'll be bummed. And some days I'll wake up, and I'm like, 'I am the dopest woman to exist on Earth'.
I was in choir in school. I kind of just did it. I already knew I wanted to sing. My music program in my school wasn't really great - people didn't really want to be part of the choir, they didn't want to do the plays and stuff like that. It definitely wasn't the cool thing to do.
I used to be focused on being the dopest rapper in the game, and then once that became what I was, I wanted something different, and I wanted to become the best businessman in the game. I wanted to learn how to master the business like I mastered the rap.
Big Sean is one of the dopest rappers, of my lifetime for sure. Like, Big Sean is one of the best rappers. Period.
Now there she goes again, the dopest Ethiopian, And now the world around me be gets movin in slow motion Whenever she happens to walk by, why does the apple of my eye Overlook and disregard my feelings no matter how much I try?
I told Wayne to his face he was the dopest MC out. MC, not rapper. I told him to his face because I believe that, Wayne is nice! Wayne is bananas with his lyrics, with his whole delivery, with his whole thing. Lil Wayne is the man!
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