A Quote by Vera Lynn

I've had the good fortune of having a long and varied career. Looking back, some might think things have been plain sailing but, as with anything, there have been both highs and lows.
Having been aware of the Red Sox since the 1946 World Series, having been growled at by Ted Williams as a young reporter in 1960, having been present at the horror of 1986 and the comeback of 2004, I have seen the highs and lows of some other people's favorite team.
I've been with beautiful women, had my share of highs and lows. But I have a regret - I wanted to be a hero. I never got the chance, even though I was good-looking, I could sing and dance too.
I might have had my highs and lows in cinema and television but in theatre the response has always been positive.
You can learn more from the lows than the highs. The highs are great but the lows make you really look at things in a different way and want to improve. Every player will have both in their careers and I have, but what you get is that experience which is so important to perform at your best.
I've been through my highs, I've been through my lows; I've been through the gamut of all things in this business. Being too thin. Being bigger. I've been criticized for being on both sides of the scale. It's noise I block out automatically. I love my body.
I've had four knee surgeries in my career. I just don't do small injuries. The highs of winning are always balanced out by the lows of being injured and missing games. There was a time when I was out for nearly a year, having already been out for six months with another surgery before that.
I don't regret what I've been through. I've had ups and downs, super highs and some really low lows. I've been so blessed that I could never say, 'I wish this didn't happen.' It's part of who I am. There's nothing in my life that's so ugh.
I don't regret what I've been through. I've had ups and downs, super highs and some really low lows. I've been so blessed that I could never say, "I wish this didn't happen." It's part of who I am. There's nothing in my life that's so ugh.
There's no doubt that having some guys on the bench that have been through things, and that are older and experienced, understand not just the highs but the lows of losing a game. Winning and keeping a steadiness throughout a game, their voice in timeouts, it's really valuable.
We've had all the ebbs and flows of any real career. Trust me. We've been at the highest highs and pretty low lows. But that said, we always stay true to who we were. We didn't jump on fads and fashions.
I've experienced the highest of highs and lowest of lows. I think to really appreciate anything you have to be at both ends of the spectrum.
I've been through a lot in my career. I've been through the ups, I've been through the downs. I've been through the highs and the lows.
My best career moments have come being a fan first. Because that's why we love sports, and that's why I got into sports - those highs and lows on that roller coaster ride that I don't want to get off - because I enjoy the highs as much as I enjoy the lows. The highs are even better when you experience the lows, and that can apply when rooting for your favorite sports team or your career. It's also important not to get too high or too low, and it's also important not to listen to the noise. You just have to do it for you in those career moments because they're gonna come.
Being in Happy Mondays has been like a long marriage with highs and lows. We've known each other since high school and are great friends, though there have been severe fallings out.
I consider my girls the greatest gift from God in life. And I also love the career that I have built, lost and rebuilt. But the highs and lows of my career would not have been as exciting or manageable to me if I didn't have children and a partner for life with whom to share it all.
I prefer highs and lows to an even keel. Moderation is never something I've been good at.
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