A Quote by Heraclitus

All is flux; nothing stays still. — © Heraclitus
All is flux; nothing stays still.

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Nothing endures but change. There is nothing permanent except change. All is flux, nothing stays still.
All is flux, nothing stays still, as Heraclitus said. By the time I wrote this, everything has changed in the universe; everything but the taste of the cakes baked at home!
Ensure that your life stays in flux.
Everything flows, nothing stays still.
Human nature stays the same, the one thing that stays constant, like death and taxes. And people still want good stories!
Nothing stays forgotten for long, Elly. Sometimes we simply have to remind the world that we're special and that we're still here.
The past stays on you the way powdered sugar stays on your fingers. Some people can get rid of it but it’s still there, the events and things that pushed you to where you are now.
Preserve the core, and let the rest flux. In their wonderful bestseller Built to Last, authors James Collins and Jerry Porras make a convincing argument that long-lived companies are able to thrive 50 years or more by retaining a very small heart of unchanging values, and then stimulating progress in everything else. At times "everything" includes changing the business the company operates in, migrating, say, from mining to insurance. Outside the core of values, nothing should be exempt from flux. Nothing.
There is no essence, but there is a flux that is more real than any instance of the flux, such as a milk bottle or a tiger.
There are two ways to look at life. The first view is that nothing stays the same and that nothing is inherently connected, and that the only driving force in anyone's life is entropy. The second is that everything pretty much stays the same (more or less) and that everything is completely connected, even if we don't realize it.
All is flux, nothing is stationary.
If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Moving, be like water. Still, be like a mirror. Respond like an echo.
Panic is highly contagious, especially in situations when nothing is known and everything is in flux.
Searching for nothing Wondering if I’ll change I’m trying everything But everything still stays the same I thought if I showed you I could fly Wouldn’t need anyone by my side I'm running backwards With broken wings I know I’ll die
Things of this world are in so constant a flux, that nothing remains long in the same state.
Nothing stays the same, nothing remains static. Which way a thing changes depends on you.
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