A Quote by Desmond Tutu

Every single one of us can do something, however small, to make a difference. — © Desmond Tutu
Every single one of us can do something, however small, to make a difference.
Believe that you can make a difference; in fact, you do with every single choice you make. Your money is your power and each time you spend it, it's a vote for something, so make it count. I personally live and work by this African Proverb - If you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a room with a mosquito.
In every single job, in every single business, in every single profession - in whatever you do - there can be the satisfaction and the happiness that comes from knowing that what you do is important, that what you do makes a difference in the lives of the people you serve.
I've toured the U.S. every single year and I've put a record out every single year whether it was on a major label or not; that doesn't make any difference to me.
Just small things are going to hopefully lead to a bigger surplus in the end. Obviously, you might not see it every single game, every single detail, but those small things and those small details add up so much, and that's what creates winning.
I believe that every single one of us, celebrity or not, has a responsibility to get involved in trying to make a difference in the world. Our generation faces many challenges, some of which were passed on to us by the past generations, but it's up to us to find solutions today so that we don't keep passing our problems on.
Al Jazeera is a representation of, you know, diversity in the Arab world. In our newsroom, we have every single nationality, we have every single, you know, ideology, we have every single background. However, when it comes to the screen, we have one code of ethics and one code of conduct.
I have to take what I say and make it heavy, so every single bar means something. And there's no riddles in my rhymes. Every single word means something.
A single, ordinary person still can make a difference - and single, ordinary people are doing precisely that every day.
Above all we must realize that each of us makes a difference with our life. Each of us impacts the world around us every single day. We have a choice to use the gift of our life to make the world a better place - or not to bother
In every man and in every animal, however weak or wicked, great or small, resides the same omnipresent, omniscient soul. The difference is not in the soul, but in the manifestation. Between me and the smallest animal, the difference is only in manifestation, but as a principle he is the same as I am, he is my brother, he has the same soul as I have. This is the greatest principle that India has preached.
I've learned what it truly means to be Canadian and in turn I've been inspired to make a difference in the world, however small it's been.
All of us are selling ourselves, every single minute of every single dayeach one of us is building our own 'brand of me' and saying 'buy into me, put your faith into me, give me this shot, I will make it happen.'
I actually think every person can make a difference. Every single human being has within the impulse to express more of who they truly are.
Often in football a game is really balanced and one small detail will make the difference between winning and losing. We try to find the detail that makes the difference for us.
A novel is balanced between a few true impressions and the multitude of false ones that make up most of what we call life. It tells us that for every human being there is a diversity of existences, that the single existence is itself an illusion in part, that these many existences signify something, tend to something, fulfill something; it promises us meaning, harmony, and even justice.
Every single human being on this earth make a difference on this planet earth but each one of us make a different contribution and it will be a better contribution when we have more gratitude and more generosity, when we love more.
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