A Quote by Jacob Anderson

This is going to sound like a lie, but the 'Game of Thrones' set is so good to work on. I've been a part of plays and other projects where egos get in the way and there are constant fallings out. There's none of that there.
I've been lucky to find people who want to work with me, whom I respect and like, but the truth is there aren't that many good projects out there. And we make way, way too many movies. So it's not always going to happen with every project. But I try and wait it out.
There's a lot of 'Game of Thrones' stuff used in a lot of pastiches. I don't know if I've seen a Lego 'Game of Thrones' yet, but there must be one. And there's an animated thing that's been going on for quite some time, and Littlefinger is a newsreader in it, and it's great.
Like a good play-caller, a good TV guy, if you get going on a good conversation, you can ad-lib a little bit. You keep it going. Just like in a game, if you call a couple plays and they're working, you come back to them.
Being in Happy Mondays has been like a long marriage with highs and lows. We've known each other since high school and are great friends, though there have been severe fallings out.
It's definitely nice when you develop a plan and you go out there and you work on it with the idea that it's going to work, but you never really know until you get into a game situation and you see how it plays out.
Why does anyone lie? 'Cause we're scared or crazy, maybe just because we're mean. I guess there's a million reason to lie, and I might've told that many...but none like that. I guess there's always that one lie we never get over. What? Oh, maybe you don't know about it yet. Maybe you never tell a lie so big it can eat away a part of you. But if you ever do...and if you get lucky...you might a chance to set it right. Just one chance to change it. Then it's gone. And it never comes back again.
I'm not interested in going to casting after casting, trying to get into that game. So there is a part of me that knows that I will do more characters, even if I have to produce those projects myself to get those projects out there. If the right characters come along, I would love to. I would jump at the chance.
There's no way the writing staff of 'Game of Thrones' haven't read 'The Art of War.' There's definitely an influence on 'Game of Thrones' from this book in both a general way and on the character of Lord Baelish and his strategies.
I don't get recognized that much. That's the best part of it. I tend to get things like, 'You sound a lot like that guy on 'Deadwood.' And that's lovely. I've been very fortunate. No giggling, screaming girls. None of that.
I like working, I'm not into relaxing. Work motivates me, and even when I do take a holiday, I meet friends, talk about projects and set up meetings, set meetings between other people, or get involved.
Always keep your foes confused. If they are never certain who you are or what you want, they cannot know what you are like to do next. Sometimes the best way to baffle them is to make moves that have no purpose, or even seem to work against you. Remember that, Sansa, when you come to play the game.” “What . . . what game?” “The only game. The game of thrones.” -(Littlefinger)
I've read all the 'Game of Thrones' books many times over, so I sometimes find it easier being on set, because it can be hard to get out of character.
I've read all the "Game of Thrones" books many times over, so I sometimes find it easier being on set, because it can be hard to get out of character.
Whenever I get any of the 'Game of Thrones' scripts, it's always like, 'oh my God, how am I going to do this?' It's a sort of performance anxiety about being able to do a good job.
When you're in something like 'Game of Thrones' and get the chance to play a part like Bronn, with that cast and with Peter Dinklage, it's wonderful.
In the case of 'Game Of Thrones,' I've been to set a couple of times, and it's really exciting and inspiring for me to see the set and the actors in action, meet them and talk to them, so it definitely helps. If I can go to set, I will.
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