A Quote by James Jebbia

The skateboarders are snobbier - their look is much cleaner than ravers'. — © James Jebbia
The skateboarders are snobbier - their look is much cleaner than ravers'.

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I would like to design what people generally call streetwear. I'd like to dress skateboarders, or whatever the older equivalent of skateboarders are. I pay more attention to that stuff than anyone would ever imagine because I'm watching what the designers do.
The rocks, to a great extent, look swept clean. It's a much cleaner surface than what we had a right to hope for.
We don't want to act like adults. Anybody who can stay in a state of adolescence will be much better off later on. Look at people who are working nine-to-five jobs out of college, and look at professional skateboarders or guys in punk bands. See who's having more fun.
Comedy has to be so much cleaner than drama. You can't layer it in the way you can a dramatic performance. Which is why it's more difficult than drama - you don't have so many tricks.
When I was a kid, my mom used to run the vacuum cleaner, and the noise would bother me so much that I would run into the woods to calm down. I feel like that vacuum cleaner has been on since I moved to New York City.
We actually all care about the environment, and most people believe in climate change and believe that mankind has something to do with that - how much is scientifically debatable, but there is some effect and we all have an interest in reducing carbon emissions, just having cleaner air, cleaner oceans. It's something we can get behind.
I think the bottom line for Oregonians is that cleaner fuels mean cleaner air, and we need that, and we want that.
I love making my Instagram look cohesive - look like a Tumblr page almost. When they all make sense colorwise, or when you add those white borders to them, it makes them look cleaner. Clean and precise.
I read in the 'Daily Mail' that I'm one of these 'foul-mouthed comedians.' But I'm much cleaner than the people they like. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than to think that a 70-year-old - particularly someone like Alan Bennett - would like it, because they've seen a lot of stuff.
If a vacuum cleaner salesman rings your front door, he will be selling HIMSELF first. The vacuum cleaner is secondary.
I grew up skateboarding; it was fun. I didn't think about money, I didn't know how much professional skateboarders made. I just knew that if I became a professional skateboarder, I would achieve a lot and get to travel and do these great things.
We're skateboarders, we have rebellious ways.
Pittsburgh, where you once couldn't wear a shirt for more than an hour, is a lot cleaner than Hollywood.
I'm one of the fortunate ones to be making a good living for myself off of being a professional skateboarder. But there's hundreds and hundreds of pro skateboarders out there that are professional and they are so good at what they do. But... there's just not that much money in skateboarding.
We divert our attention from disease and death as much as we can; the slaughterhouses are huddled out of sight and never mentioned, so that the world we recognize officially in literature and in society is a poetic fiction far handsomer, cleaner and better than the world that really is.
The costumes in museums are often not exhibited well. They look dead. It is much better to look at a painting by Bronzino than to go look at a Renaissance costume.
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