A Quote by Jodie Foster

Sometimes, you really don't understand why something is important to you until you get halfway through the movie - or maybe even all the way through. — © Jodie Foster
Sometimes, you really don't understand why something is important to you until you get halfway through the movie - or maybe even all the way through.
I never really feel like I'm sure a film's gonna happen until I'm maybe halfway through.
I try to be a positive person, but I'm also always looking and wondering, 'Maybe this could be done differently.' As soon as your mind is in a critical mode, you're halfway through designing; as soon as you start thinking about whether something could be better, you're already halfway through a solution.
I didn't know the term 'synesthesia' until I was working on 'Cruel Summer.' Halfway into writing that, I really understood that, my entire life, I had been trying to describe this condition of mine: through painting, through this seven-screen Surround Vision film we shot in Qatar, through all these things.
But I need to wake up somehow. Or maybe not. Maybe it’s best to get through the day half-asleep. Maybe that’s the only way to get through today.
I didn't really get into acting until halfway through college. Once I graduated I pursued it professionally, but it wasn't like I was always an actress.
You're learning the whole time. Halfway through a movie, you've got a lot of ideas, a lot of things that maybe you've learned and that you then wish you could apply, but you can't. You just have to finish the movie in that world that you're in. Maybe what you've learned you can apply somewhere else.
Sometimes you don't get in through the front door. Sometimes you don't get in through the back. Sometimes you got to climb through the window. That doesn't mean the opportunity wasn't there. There's a way; you've just got to find it.
You know, I can't remember the last movie I walked out of. If I pay, I'll see it through. I can't be halfway through a movie and think that I know everything that's going to happen, because I hope that I'm wrong.
sometimes you get run down. sometimes life throws dirt in your eyes and it stings and you can't see for a few minutes. even after you get it out your eyes are all red and your vision is shitty... but eventually, whether through tears or maybe just time... you start to see even clearer than before. life is not always good. which is why music exists. why i believe God exists. and why there's always a pint of coconut milk ice cream in my freezer.
Sometimes you come to a fall and sometimes you come to white water. Your rowing has to adapt to the situation. You can't do the same stroke coming down a small stream as you would coming down Niagara Falls. Even if you're only rowing down a stream, different things happen: maybe the wind changes, maybe the current, and suddenly everything's different. So gently is really important. Don't power yourself or blast through; rock with the way things are.
Sometimes I realize halfway through a story, I'm like, 'Why would anyone care about this? It's uninteresting.'
That's life. We all go through the tractor blades now and then. We all get bruised, and we all get cut. Sometimes the blade cuts deep. The lucky ones come through with a few scratches, a little blood, but even that isn't the most important thing. The most important thing is having someone there to scoop you up, to hold you tight, and to tell you everything is all right.
It really wasn't until halfway through my career that I learned had to jab and to box and to kickbox.
I would argue that if you understand how the cells of the brain are organized into circuits, almost computational circuits if you will, and we see how information flows through those circuits and how it's transformed, we might have a much firmer grasp on why our brains make decisions the way that they do. If we get a handle on that, maybe we can overcome some of our limitations and at the very least we'll understand why we do what we do.
I was maybe halfway through my career, and I was shooting a Nike commercial, and the director came to the trailer and said, 'Hey man, you're really gifted at this. I get a lot of athletes that come in, but you were prepared, and you made everything seem very natural. I really think you should look into this.'
For me, I think it's such an important thing to hear other people's stories, because you do find ways that either you can learn something from them, or you can identify with something that they've gone through. You realize that maybe what you're going through in life isn't just specific to you, that somebody else understands it, or you talk to someone and all of sudden you see something in a completely different way because of what they've said to you or shared with you.
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