A Quote by John Henry Holland

The recycling of resource by the aggregate behavior of a diverse array of agents is much more than the sum of the individual actions. — © John Henry Holland
The recycling of resource by the aggregate behavior of a diverse array of agents is much more than the sum of the individual actions.
Testifying has helped me understand that one individual's behavior and actions make a difference. That my actions are important to people other than myself
Testifying has helped me understand that one individual's behavior and actions make a difference. That my actions are important to people other than myself.
Synergism is the simultaneous actions of separate entities which together have greater total effect than the sum of their individual effects.
Even with a margin of safety in the investor's favor, an individual security may work out badly. For the margin guarantees only that he has a better chance for profit than for loss - not that loss is impossible. But as the number of such commitments is increased the more certain does it become that the aggregate of the profits will exceed the aggregate of the losses.
nonlinear interactions almost always make the behavior of the aggregate more complicated than would be predicted by summing or averaging.
No "natural" resource is more precious and to be used more wisely than time. These mortal moments matter more than we know. There are no idle hours; there are only idle people. In true righteousness there is serenity, but there is an array of reminders that the "sacred present" is packed with possibilities which are slipping by us, which are going away from us each moment.
The behavior of the economy as a whole, at the aggregate, macro-level, is built up from the individual equations at the micro-level.
Recycling helps make people feel involved, and in some cases can be useful. Although you've got to do careful life history studies of what you're recycling. If all you're doing is recycling - if you've got three automobiles, and 10 children, and a 7,000-square-foot dot-com palace and second home up in the mountains that has to be heated - the recycling isn't making much difference.
Recycling is more expensive for communities than it needs to be, partly because traditional recycling tries to force materials into more lifetimes than they are designed for - a complicated and messy conversion, and one that itself expends energy and resources. Very few objects of modern consumption were designed with recycling in mind. If the process is truly to save money and materials, products must be designed from the very beginning to be recycled or even "upcycled" - a term we use to describe the return to industrial systems of materials with improved, rather than degraded, quality.
Globalization is a bottom-up phenomenon with all actions initiated by milions of individuals, the sum total of which is globalization. No one is in charge, and no one can anticipate what the sum of all the individual initiatives will be before the result manifest. A global economy can only be the result of spontaneous order.
Americans have always prized individuality - it is part of our national DNA - but America is a community that draws strength from the sum of our people and has always known that the total of that sum is worth far more than its individual parts.
My hobby of not attending meetings about recycling saves more energy than your hobby of recycling.
Seoul will build more resource recovery facilities and establish new recycling facilities with the aim of achieving zero landfills of domestic waste.
But Adam Smith was a philosopher as well as well as an economist, famous in his time as much for his Theory of Moral Sentiments as for The Wealth of Nations. And as he understood so well, society is more than the sum of its individual parts.
When faced with the inevitable fatigue that comes with the recycling of speeches and the recycling of thoughts in a rather small stream of vortex, I am urged to not be ashamed of recycling.
Let us not forget that the reasons for human actions are usually incalculably more complex and diverse than we tend to explain them later, and are seldom clearly manifest.
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