A Quote by Joel Brown

We only get what we believe that we deserve. Raise the bar, raise your standards and you will receive a better outcome. — © Joel Brown
We only get what we believe that we deserve. Raise the bar, raise your standards and you will receive a better outcome.
Average leaders raise the bar on themselves; good leaders raise the bar for others; great leaders inspire others to raise their own bar.
If you raise the bar and offer your best to others then you deserve the same or better. Sometimes you have to divorce people who add no value to your life because they have nothing to offer but drama.
As women, we feel we can't ask for things. There's been a lot of research done recently and, more often than not, if a woman goes in to ask for a raise, she'll get it. But she's thinking, 'Do I deserve it? I've got to give a list of why I deserve it.' Whereas a man will just go in and ask for a raise. It's so scary.
It's mystifying to me why the House leadership will not allow a straight up-or-down vote on a pay raise. I vote against every pay raise because taxpayers deserve better.
If you like me, raise your hand. If you don't, raise your standards
You can raise the bar or you can wait for others to raise it, but it's getting raised regardless.
We believe that business is the engine that drives the car. You've got to build your business base. That means creating more jobs, better paying jobs - that's how you raise your standard of living. That's how you raise your quality of life. That's what funds all the other services people want from government.
Give yourself another chance to make your dream a reality. Don't allow a delay to become a denial. Raise the bar on yourself, increase your determination, and explode your drive. You will fail your way to success. Everything you experience can be used to grow through...not just to go through. Make your dream happen! You deserve!
I'm always trying to make movies that are better than the ones that we've made before. We don't always succeed at doing that by any means, but we're always trying to raise the stakes, raise the bar, make the movies better, and that's hard.
Regardless of what you plan to use it for, the goal should always be to raise money right before you need it. You don't want to get into a situation where you need cash and you're unable to raise it - or you're unable to raise it on favorable terms. As with any negotiation, you want to raise from a position of strength.
If you don't raise the bar, how will you ever know your potential?
American workers deserve a raise. I fully support the push for $15 an hour and a union. We also must raise wages for low and middle income families.
You become what you do. How and what you become depends on environmental influence so you become who you hang around. Raise the standard your peers must meet and you'll raise your expectations of yourself. If your environment is not making you better, change it.
We should not wait for someone else to come and raise our voice. We should do it by ourselves. We should believe in ourselves. One day you will see that all the girls will be powerful; All the girls will be going to school. And it is possible only by our struggle; only when we raise our voice.
Raise your hand if you’ve spent nights crying yourself to sleep, raise your hand if you’ve felt as if you’d rather hide in bed all day than face the people that make you feel small or powerless! Raise your hand if you’ve felt as if you’d rather lie to people than tell them the truth about who you really are, because at least you wouldn’t be the victim of hateful behavior or prejudice! And raise your hand if lying feels almost as bad.
You can't just coast along. You need to be extraordinary. If you want a promotion or a raise, ask yourself, 'How can I behave in a way to get my boss to believe I deserve one?'
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