A Quote by David O. McKay

Slander is poison to the soul. — © David O. McKay
Slander is poison to the soul.
Slander is a poison which kills charity, both in the slanderer and the one who listens.
Rumour, gossip, slander - single drops of poison can pollute an entire system.
Retaliation is counter-poison and poison breeds more poison. The nectar of Love alone can destroy the poison of hate.
Slander-mongers and those who listen to slander, if I had my way, would all be strung up, the talkers by the tongue, the listeners by the ears.
The difference between real material poison and intellectual poison is that most material poison is disgusting to the taste, but intellectual poison, which takes the form of cheap newspapers or bad books, can unfortunately sometimes be attractive.
No soul of high estate can take pleasure in slander. It betrays a weakness.
They abandon the Ambrosial Nectar and turn to poison, they earn poison, and poison is their only wealth.
Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy.
I am disgraced, impeached, and baffled here, Pierced to the soul with slander's venomed spear.
Inasmuch as you pray with all your soul for the one who has slandered you, so much will God reveal the truth to them who have believed the slander.
I don't like the whole 'slander, slander' conversation that most political debates are these days. So I tend to keep my political standpoint not to myself, but just relatively private.
Sin is a basilisk whose eyes are full of venom. If the eye of thy soul see her first, it reflects her own poison and kills her; if she see thy soul, unseen, or seen too late, with her poison, she kills thee: since therefore thou canst not escape thy sin, let not thy sin escape thy observation.
I wish people would call poisons poison. I don't mind people smoking marijuana, but they should admit it's a poison, and coffee's a poison, but the Americans lie so.
Gaiety is the soul's health; sadness is its poison.
The recollection of an injury is . . . a rusty arrow and poison for the soul.
Good humor is the health of the soul, sadness is its poison.
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