A Quote by Ina May Gaskin

I think that women can be just completely surprised by the change in them from giving birth-you have something powerful in you-that fierce thing comes up-and I think babies need moms to have that fierceness-you feel like you can do anything and that’s the feeling we want moms to have.
I don't usually say 'working mom' because I think all moms are working moms. I feel like that diminishes moms. People should say 'working dad' as opposed to working moms.
I'm inspired by all those women in the '60s - they look so put-together and cool at the same time, and they all were moms - moms and career women. I do wear heels, though. Pretty much always. I need to feel good about myself, so even if it's casual, I'll slip them on.
There are plenty of times we need fierce compassion, fierce love. Just like when a child does something that is very harmful and we say "No!", we need some kind of fierceness. There's a certain kind of fierceness that can look like anger and has that fire of anger, but the difference is that it's not blinded with reactivity.
If anything as simple as child care was covered by the league or your organization, that would be life-changing for moms, especially when we're scraping pennies. Maybe we would have more moms in this league if something like that was there for us, but I feel like we're far from that.
We still want to idealize moms, and sometimes we want to idealize actresses who are moms, too. I know that's something I've experienced, but we're all just doing the best we can and we're all trying to raise our kids and talk to them about everything that needs to be discussed.
It's the moms who are overaggressive. A lot of times their daughters are very sweet and cordial, and the moms tend to grab you and scream and want to kiss you. You gotta watch out for the moms.
Most new moms, and even experienced moms, have questions in the months after giving birth. Pregnancy books don't explain everything, and you may be caught off guard by some things that are happening both to you and to your baby in those first few months.
I don't have time to write a mom blog, but I'm not against it. I think it's great when women talk about things. I'm all about female empowerment. There's a lot of lonely, lost moms out there. Moms need to be encouraged to tell the truth. There's a lot of glamour mommy stuff. It's OK to get real.
I think that when moms just give themselves up, the kids know. They feel guilty; they resent their mother for making them feel guilty, and then they grow up and do the same thing. Whereas my mother showed me that it's okay to focus on yourself.
People want to know how we do it as moms. I want to inspire moms to get back in the kitchen. I want to show moms that not only is it great to have your kids eat healthy foods as opposed to McDonald's, but it's great to bring the family back together.
I really feel like because I had my son so young, I didn't want everyone's help. I think people felt entitled to give advice, so I'm always very sensitive to moms and letting them feel their way out.
Most moms and dads, they want to be good moms and dads. But it's an incredibly hard job when you are stressed out, when you are poor, when your life is in chaos. And giving them some of the tools to be better parents, to whittle away at that parenting gap, gives those kids a much better starting point in life.
I think the whole 'tiger mom' thing is a very common trope. People like to show Asian moms giving pressure, but they don't really show the love that comes with it.
I love meditating and taking some time for myself when I need it. As moms, it's easy to feel guilty about this sort of thing, but it's necessary. If I'm feeling overwhelmed, I'll walk down the beach or just sit in silence and reflect. Even if it's just 10 minutes, every little bit helps.
Working moms elevate themselves above stay-at-home moms, and stay-at-home moms try to put down working moms. It's a war in which both sides are trying to put the other one down.
I love that, 'mommy-shaming.' When I was a new mom, I was obsessed with how I was being perceived and trying to fit in as a mom, going to mommy-and-me classes and things like that, and never quite measuring up to 'the real moms,' the 'robot moms,' as I called them.
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