A Quote by Yogi Adityanath

In the 55-60 years of their rule, the successive Congress government have only looted the country and plunged it into poverty, casteism, regionalism, terrorism, and naxalism.
My government accords top most priority to national security. Therefore, effective steps are being taken to tackle terrorism and naxalism.
Stocks in the United States plunged in 2002 amid fears of war and terrorism, a weak economy, rising oil prices and dozens of corporate scandals. It was the third consecutive annual decline, the first time that has happened in 60 years.
Recall when the Congress-led government was in power; then-Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had talked about who had rights to the country's resources. He had, taking the name of a religion, planted the seed of appeasement politics in the country. The result of Congress' appeasement policy is terrorism.
During Congress rule terrorism was countered effectively and firmly, whereas during the BJP regime terrorists were treated like guests and released in their own country.
This Congress did more to uplift education, more to attack disease in this country and around the world, and more to conquer poverty than any other session in all American history, and what more worthy achievements could any person want to have? For it was the Congress that was more true than any other Congress to Thomas Jefferson's belief that: 'The care of human life and happiness is the first and only legitimate objective of good Government.'
Here is your government at work. A congressman from Colorado said he wants to draft a rule that would make it unethical to have a sexual relationship with an intern. Only Congress would need a rule to tell them cheating on their wives is not ethical. Don't we have that rule? I believe it's called the Sixth Commandment.
I like women to be attracted to me. See, when you get 60 years old, and they know you're 60, the only women you can get are 55-year-old women, and I like younger women.
The Congress has provided people with MNREGA, Right to Information, food security, voting right to youths attaining the age of 18 years, land acquisition and rehabilitation act, and development-oriented programs like Jan Lokpal against corruption. That is why only Congress can provide a better government for the country's development.
During the Reagan years, government shut down eight different times under a Democrat Congress. The president and Congress worked together and got things straightened out. Under the Carter years, again a Democrat Congress, the government shut down five times.
'Hindu terrorism' is not even a word. By linking Hindu with terrorism, Congress has disrespected the country's culture, tradition, and legacy. It should apologise to the nation.
There are no automatic links between poverty and terrorism. Among millions of poor people in the world, only a few turn to terrorism.
It's going to take an act of Congress to deal with poverty and hunger, not only in this country, but throughout the world. We have the resources but we don't have the will.
On a surface level, regionalism is gone, if we define regionalism as human culture. But, what if we define regionalism as something older than human culture?
Every village should celebrate its birthday & it will end the poison of casteism... and once casteism ends, see how the strength of villages increase!
Everybody complains about pork, but members of Congress keep spending because voters do not throw them out of office for doing so. The rotten system in Congress will change only when the American people change their beliefs about the proper role of government in our society. Too many members of Congress believe they can solve all economic problems, cure all social ills, and bring about worldwide peace and prosperity simply by creating new federal programs. We must reject unlimited government and reassert the constitutional rule of law if we hope to halt the spending orgy.
The British don't runaway from terrorism. We have had 30-odd years of terrorism in our own country from the Irish Republican Army. We're used to it.
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