A Quote by Corey Koskie

I've never seen anything like that before. Usually when home teams break up no-hit bids, the crowd cheers the hit and cheers the pitcher. I've never seen them boo before.
For me, Katrina was my first trip back to the United States, but the most important thing, it showed everything that I had seen in other places. As I've said before, it looked like a bomb had hit a lot of places. I'd never seen such force, and it was Mother Nature.
He can run, steal bases, throw, hit for average, and hit with power like I've never seen. Just don't put him at shortstop.
I just wouldn't have believed a ball could be hit that hard. I've never seen anything like it.
I think one of the reasons younger people don't like older films, films made say before the '60s, is that they've never seen them on a big screen, ever. If you don't see a film on a big screen, you haven't really seen it. You've seen a version of it, but you haven't seen it. That's my feeling, but I'm old-fashioned.
I'm perfectly honest, I've never seen Twilight, I've never seen The Vampire Diaries, and I've never seen True Blood, or anything like that.
A unicorn is a mythical creature that you've never seen before. And a unicorn player, he makes plays and does stuff you've never seen before.
Sometimes I'd go [in British accent] "Uhh, brilliant! Absolutely brilliant, thank you. Wonderful. Cheers!" I do say "cheers" automatically," from living over there. I say "cheers" to everything.
It's all about making an experience. You go to the movies to see something you've never seen before. You want to get different people out there with different voices. So you see awesome huge spectacle or just a small unbelievable story you've never seen before.
If people I've never met or don't know say that what I've written or done or said means anything to them, then I'm happy to take it at face value, for once. It cheers me up.
If you ask any person on this crew what they think of Hugh Jackman they'll admit they've never seen anything like it. I'll give him an emotional note and he'll hit it every time.
I don't really set personal goals for home runs or anything like that. However many I hit, I hit. If I'm making consistent contact and hitting the ball hard, then I will hit home runs.
I’d never seen a man cry before, only on TV. I’d never even seen Dad close to crying. Those tears looked so odd on you. It was like the strength of you just seemed to sap away. The surprise of it stopped me from being so scared.
I know climate change is a hoax – of course – but places that have never seen this type of winter weather got hit by it. More than a half a million southerners have been left in the dark --- and then the storm hit.
You travel life has the aspect of a dream. It is something outside the normal, yet you are in it. It is peopled with characters you have never seen before and in all probability will never see again. It brings occasional homesickness, and loneliness, and pangs of longing ... But you are like the Vikings who have gone into a world of adventure, and home is not home until you return.
With each project, I'm going for something that makes viewers think, 'Wow, I've never seen a film like this before,' and later think, 'Wow, I've only seen a film like this once before. I saw it in theaters and am watching it now on Netflix or a similar streaming service.'
I have the '77 Million Paintings' running in my studio a lot of the time. Occasionally I'll look up from what I'm doing and I think, 'God, I've never seen anything like that before!' And that's a real thrill.
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