A Quote by Cathy O'Neil

We can't just throw something out there and assume it works just because it has math in it. — © Cathy O'Neil
We can't just throw something out there and assume it works just because it has math in it.
When I create something, it's got to be special, and it can't just be to throw something out there because I feel like I'm Missy.
I majored in economics in college. Certain things were just out, like chemistry or biology, or science or math, that was just out of the question. That's just an aptitude impossibility, I couldn't have done it.
Every time I try to plan something or assume that something's going to happen, it never works out like that.
I'm a strong believer that you have to have an equal opportunity to fail and to try things that are hard. I always tell my students, "Don't just take things that are easy for you. If you're really good at math, don't take just math. Take classes that make you write. If you're a really great writer, but bad at math, take math and make yourself work your way through it."
You can't expect everyone to love you. I'm not someone who just wants to throw out hate, just because.
I find that it's easier to disguise yourself when you go to Florida or places like that, because no one is expecting to see a celebrity there. When you throw on a hat and glasses, no one really looks at you twice - because why would you be in Florida? People just assume that if you're famous, you're in Hollywood.
Just because you're starting from something which you know - a theory which you know is right and trying to further develop your understand of that theory is maybe a more fruitful thing to do than trying to just throw all that out and start afresh with something more speculative.
I think it's just my personality, or maybe just because I've been playing music for so long and working so hard at it, that I don't expect anything from it anymore. I just do my work and then hope that it works out.
To just burn out, to give up just because things don't go your way, to assume that there is no God, no infinite light - I think that's pretty petty, personally.
A guy should find out what the woman likes. Every woman is different, so you can't just assume what works on one will work on another.
Math just wasn't my favorite. I didn't get how important math is and how it relates to real life. That's why I think I was turned off to it. Once I got down arithmetic and a little bit of algebra, I think I checked out. As I've gotten older, I think there's a lot more relation to math. English was my favorite subject.
Music is made up out of these building blocks. Studying how these blocks go together and what they consist of and the math of how it works - it's all the same stuff; it's just different aesthetics that we're talking about.
I'm the type of person that if I feel strongly about something and if I really want to do something, I'm just gonna do it. And if it works out, amazing, and it's like 'I told you so,' but if it doesn't work out, that's fine.
I feel like science fiction can get a bad rap sometimes because people make something just to throw an alien in it or just to make it weird, and it doesn't really have a story.
It's like male geeks don't know how to deal with real live women, so they just assume it's a user interface problem. Not their fault. They'll just wait for the next version to come out- something more "user friendly.
I use minimal software to make my music - a wav editor and a calculator for my beats to make sure everything falls on mathematical precision. If you were just mapping this out visually, it works by math. I guess it's slightly engineering influenced.
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