A Quote by Laura Prepon

They have to be able to spark my interest so I want to pursue it, and they have to have an awesome personality, really laid-back. All those things are sexy to me. — © Laura Prepon
They have to be able to spark my interest so I want to pursue it, and they have to have an awesome personality, really laid-back. All those things are sexy to me.
A team will take on its manager's personality. If it's a laid back manager, you'll have a laid back personality. The players will see that if it's OK for the Manager to be laid back, then you'll have a laid back team.
People accuse me of being Methody, but I'm not at all. The one thing I don't want people to see is me. I don't want them to be able to recognize my faults and failures and qualities, and I won't use those things to spark off emotions or to illustrate.
What makes all those women sexy? Were they just born sexy? I guess it's the way they act. I don't want to have to act sexy. I just want to be me, and if I don't happen to be sexy, oh well. That's OK. I don't want to force something I'm not.
I'm a curious person. I pursue things based on what sparks my interest. I'm not thinking about what role I play. I don't have to be a movie director or this or that. I just want to be part of projects and places that are of interest to me.
Just go out and do things, and those things that continue to spark an interest, do more of.
I was stillborn. The midwives laid me aside, thought I was really gone. I laid there about an hour, and they picked me back up and tried again, 'cause my body was still warm. The Good Lord brought me back.
I never got the idea of the industry's understanding of the word 'sexy.' They always wanted me to wear a mini skirt or show some more cleavage. That's not sexy. You are sexy when you have a strong personality.
I think that it's really incredible, growing up and being able to have all these people who really look up to the work that I do. It's really cool that I have such awesome fans, and I can't thank them enough. I get on my Twitter and Facebook every day, and I see such awesome things.
I want to span different genres. I want to be able to transform. I want to be able to be sexy, and funny, and quirky, and all the other things that I am. And I feel that the best way that I can achieve that is by producing.
I feel really lucky that I'm able to pursue the work that I love. I want my children to see that. I want them to have that for themselves, something that they love, that they do, that they pursue in their lives as a way of growing and learning.
I always wanted to be a chef. Flavors and food were always of interest to me, but it was how those things brought friends and family together to celebrate not only the special occasions but everyday life. It has been a blessing that I have been able to pursue a career that creates a product that brings people together.
I really do think inspiration comes from day-to-day life. I think there's things that pique our interest - not necessarily aha! moments - but things that just kinda make you raise your eyebrows. And those are often the moments that are the seeds of inspiration. Sometimes they're in a great conversation with friends, sometimes they're things you see live, something you read, a movie trailer you watch... I think inspiration is kind of laid out there. One thing we have to practice is recognizing when it happens, and recording that moment so we can come back to it.
I honestly believe that you have to be able to play the guitar hard if you want to be able to get the whole spectrum of tones out of it. Since I normally play so hard, when I start picking a bit softer my tone changes completely, and that's really useful sometimes for creating a more laid-back feel.
Physically? If you've got really beautiful eyes, you have me in a trance right from the beginning. As far as personality, I'm attracted to really shy girls. Someone who knows who they are and is very genuine. That is just so sexy to me.
Nothing really annoys me, I'm not that kind of person, I'm quite laid back about most things.
My interest is in turning over a rock and seeing what's underneath. It's a personality trait more than anything; it's what made me want to become a crime reporter, even though I was not suited for it personality-wise.
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