A Quote by Louis van Gaal

A World Cup is always special because it is the highest podium on which you can show your abilities as an individual player or coach, and as a team. — © Louis van Gaal
A World Cup is always special because it is the highest podium on which you can show your abilities as an individual player or coach, and as a team.
Perhaps the toughest call for a coach is weighing what is best for an individual against what is best for the team. Keeping a player on the roster just because I liked him personally, or even because of his great contributions to the team in the past, when I felt some one else could do more for the team would be a disservice to the team's goals.
In basketball, you can be the greatest individual player in the world and still lose every game, because a team will always beat an individual.
Football is such a team sport, so no one individual does it. No one coach or no one assistant coach or no one player, it's a great team sport, so I don't get carried away with a bunch of accolades.
I think that tennis has been in a place for many years without any change. Davis Cup and Fed Cup has always been a very exciting platform for players because it is such an individual sport, and we get to play a team competition. We love being part of a team.
World Cup is very special because it happens once in four years, so for every individual, it's very special.
It's definitely better to be a good league team than a good cup team. It shows consistency. The cup could be down to a lucky draw and might not show the value of your team like the league does.
For a player or coach, there is nothing better than the World Cup.
I had my father on the Under-21 team and during the World Cup in France in 1998 - and also in AC Milan for four months. So it was a weird experience, because having your father as a coach is pretty weird, and I was the captain. But he was great.
As a coach, you've got to do what's best for the team. If guys don't like it, they're going to leave. If they stay and don't like it, well, your team's going to suck anyway. Even if this happens, you still have to do it. You can't coach worrying about any individual.
I'm proud of my long career but playing in the World Cup is something special for any player. There is no limit to my ambition and I have always been determined to achieve that objective.
This is why cup finals are so special because on the day anyone can beat anyone. That's what it's all about and that's why for me the FA Cup and the Carling Cup are the best cups in the world. That's the beauty of the cup.
To have the chance to work with a World Cup-winning coach is special, and not everybody gets that opportunity.
When I was growing up, I wanted to be a coach. I had people telling me you can't do this, you're not a great player. Be realistic. When I got rejection letters from colleges where I wanted to coach, my mom would say, "You are going to make it someday. You have something special within you and that is your spirit for life which will help you get to the top."
The team is never about the single player. It's not about the injury that keeps a star out of a certain game, and it's not about the coach. It's about the strength, and the abilities of the sum.
I think any player would tell you when you've got a coach that believes in you and you don't have to be looking over your shoulder after every play you do, and you can just go out and play, that's the coach you want to have on your team.
It's very special to be the coach of the best player in the world.
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