A Quote by Louise Berliawsky Nevelson

I feel totally female. I didn't compete with men and I don't want to look like a man! I love being a lady and dressing up and masquerading and wearing all the fineries. I'm breaking down the idea that the artist has to look poor, with berets.
The appeal of comedy is that you're not going to look your best. Dressing up or dressing down is something I love and feel very comfortable doing. I feel at my least comfortable when I have to look at my best.
Never dress down for the poor. They won't respect you for it. They want their First Lady to look like a million dollars.
I don't ever necessarily feel masculine or feminine. I just feel... I don't know. Like, when I'm wearing women's clothes, it's not like I'm dressing like a lady, a woman; it's just like I'm doing whatever I want.
Have you seen the Olympic uniforms? It's for the American Olympic team and it's berets. To me, nothing says America like a guy in a beret. Look at our founding fathers, they all wore berets.
Well, besides being entertained, I’d like to move them emotionally. I mean I really want to uplift them. I want to look down at the audience, and this is personal experiences now I’m going to tell you. It’s like you look down at the audience and see people smiling, crying, hugging each other. I want them on their way home to feel empowered like they can do anything.
The idea of romantic heroes - When you say the word hero,' it implies it's someone you look up to. We talk a lot with Bridgerton' about it being female-centric, but also, what are men looking up to? What am I doing with this icon of masculinity?
I remember wearing old long johns, my dad's silk paisley dressing gown, chopped off at the waist, and lots of crucifixes - trying to look like Madonna. But I wasn't breaking any moulds, I was just trying to follow somebody else.
If you feel comfortable in what you're wearing, you'll look your best, and I think that's a really important idea. Sometimes, whether it's fashion or beauty, things are on-trend, and they look beautiful on the runway, but when I apply them to myself, it doesn't look the way it should.
Drag queens always base their personas on their favorite female icons. Mine was Barbie, who's not necessarily a human but is as iconic and beautiful as any woman. I started really pushing it because I hit a crossroads of, 'I don't want to look like a woman or a man. I want to look like a wind-up toy, a plaything manufactured in a factory.'
I never used to see anything on TV where the man was in the weaker position. It was always the female showing emotion, breaking down, being emotionally torn apart by men.
Every day I'd say I look different. Sometimes I look really formal, sometimes I love the classic Stella McCartney, Chloe Sevigny and Gwyneth Paltrow thing. Other days I like being rock star and wearing leather jackets and studs. I love wearing Burberry - it's the perfect combination of formal and punky.
First of all, feminism is not man-hating, not man-berating. It is not saying we are better. It is just saying we want the same opportunities, and we want to be able to make decisions on our own without being judged for them. We want the same freedom men have enjoyed over the years, so I think that's the place where we are. And it's completely not mutually exclusive at all for how you want to look, how you take care of yourself, how you want to be, what you want to look like.
You see, being bald and wearing that gray starship uniform, I would have looked like a boy. I wanted to look like a sexy female.
For some odd reason, I like a man in sweatsuits. Obviously, you want your man to look good in a suit, but I like when men look comfortable, and the swagger just stands out of that.
You search for images and stories and movies and music from people that look like you and sound like you and speak like you because you want to feel like, 'Oh, if they can do it, so can I.' There's a little bit of that need for validation, especially when you're younger and trying to look to someone to look up to.
What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like.
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