A Quote by Malcolm X

The black man in America is the same as the Jews were in bondage under Pharaoh. We are strangers in a land that is not ours. We are rejected by this type of modern Pharaoh or pharohnic society.
The black man in America's position is parallel with that of the Jews, especially when the Jews were in bondage under Pharaoh. And at no time did Moses in the Bible ever try and integrate the Hebrews into the Egyptian society or accept any hypocritical offers made by the slave master of that day.
As long as we see America and her wealth as something that we want, we will never leave Pharaoh. As God's hand touched the wealth of Pharaoh, it is now touching the wealth of America. As the Black man and woman become more awakened to the wicked machinations of government, the aim is the same today: We should never be free of their influence and power.
Moses tried to separate his people from Pharaoh, and when he tried, the magicians tried to fool the people into staying with the Pharaoh, and we look upon these other organizations that are trying to get Negroes to integrate with this doomed white man as nothing but modern-day magicians, and The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is a modern-day Moses trying to separate us from the modern-day Pharaoh.
As long as the Children of Israel saw Pharaoh as a friend, they could not see Moses and Jehovah as their true friend. As they came into consciousness - by the wicked things that Pharaoh continued to do against them - that Pharaoh was indeed their enemy, then Moses and Jehovah's call to them to separate from Pharaoh to build a nation of their own became a reality.
You can be a pharaoh. Like, a pharaoh means, that which you will become.
It could hardly be made since the pyramids, it is thought, were erected in the predynastic age under the regency of Pharaoh Cheops. This pharaoh, who was also known as Khufu, lived between 2589 and 2566 BC, or one thousand years before the Hyksos (Levites) were ever heard of.
Today we have a modern Belshazzar and a modern Pharaoh sitting in Washington D.C.
What can you do? [Bernie] Sanders, as a Jewish man: What could Pharaoh do to extend his time, and stop the plagues from coming on Egypt? This is the modern "Egypt", Mr. Sanders. Let the Black man go and give us justice, and these things that are whipping you today will start diminishing, and you will get a longer period of time.
Revolution does have to be violent precisely because the Pharaoh won't let you go. If the Pharaoh would let you go, the revolution won't have to be violent.
A Call for Revolution, 1993 Libertarianism is rejected by the modern left - which preaches individualism but practices collectivism. Capitalism is rejected by the modern right - which preaches enterprise but practices protectionism. The libertarian faith in the mind of man is rejected by religionists who have faith only in the sins of man. . . . The libertarian insistence that each man is a sovereign land of liberty, with his primary allegiance to himself, is rejected by patriots who sing of freedom but also shout of banners and boundaries.
There were many Americans in the Revolutionary era who believed that they, like the children of Israel, were oppressed by their colonial rulers, and they looked to God for deliverance from the tyranny of their pharaoh, George III.
I really should have been a pharaoh - do you know that?
I have nothing but respect for the purist who won't work for the pharaoh. But I'm not that strong.
A pharaoh's profile, a Krishna's grace, tail like a question mark.
...Khufu who is believed to have been the pharaoh who commissioned the building of the great pyramid at Giza.
The people listening very closely to what the Muslims have always declared. They'll find that in every declaration there's the fact that, the same as, as Moses told Pharaoh, "You're doomed if you don't do so and so," or as Daniel told, I think it was Balthazar or Nebuchadnezzar, "You are doomed if you don't do so and so."
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