A Quote by Maria Bartiromo

There are some areas of the US where competition is less than desirable. And we need to be careful not to overly consolidate the hospital industry. But some consolidation is both necessary and desirable.
Also, that which is desirable in itself is more desirable than what is desirable per accidens.
I place a higher value on work ethic than talent, because, in certain areas, you just need to cast, you need to cast actors with talent, you need to hire directors with talent, but I've worked with very talented people who have a poor work ethic, and the outcome is less desirable than people who are less talented and have an incredible work ethic.
It is indeed paradoxical that an industry which epitomizes all that is new and up-to-date at the same time harbours some of the oldest and least desirable attributes of work in manufacturing industry.
Making the desirable possible requires us to make the desirable popular, electable, credible, and something that people want to hold on to.
Wherever desirable superfluities are imported, industry is excited, and thereby plenty is produced. Were only necessaries permitted to be purchased, men would work no more than was necessary for that purpose.
Besides offering desirable products, the Free People brand continue to produce some of the most compelling imagery and customer engagement in the industry.
It was both necessary and desirable for us to be so strong at sea that no Sea Power could attack us without risk, so that we might be free to protect our oversea interests, independently of the influence and the choice of other Sea Powers.
Every industry, as it comes to a certain level of maturity, there is consolidation. In that consolidation, some fall, but the men will always be there. It is the boys that get sloughed, I would say.
I hope that any expansion of London will learn from the planning examples of some of its most desirable areas such as Chelsea, Notting Hill, Belgravia and Mayfair. All are characterised by high density and a generosity of green spaces.
The most desirable man in my opinion is Sidharth Shukla and among women, I think of myself as being desirable.
There are some desires that are not desirable.
Many problems that challenge us today can be traced back to a profound tension between what is good and desirable for society as a whole and what is good and desirable for an individual. That conflict can be found in global problems such as climate change, pollution, resource depletion, poverty, hunger, and overpopulation.
I keep getting more and more ambitious. Over the years, to some degree, in some areas, I feel I've grown. In some areas, I made a fool of myself. In some areas, I think I can still do some funny things.
Reason shows me that if my happiness is desirable and good, the equal happiness of any other person must be equally desirable.
All desirable things... are desirable either for the pleasure inherent in themselves, or as a means to the promotion of pleasure and the prevention of pain.
Somehow, I'm in denial about being desirable. But every time my wife tells me to shave or cut my hair or clean up my look, I playfully boast to her that I'm the most desirable man!
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