The reality is that when Sinn Fein gets into these talks, there will be no more options for armed republicanism, for the IRA.
Austerity is devastating these communities. The working poor, public sector workers, the disabled, and the vulnerable are the hardest hit by this bankrupt and ideologically driven policy.
While others have walked away from their responsibilities, the Sinn Fein team will work with the other ministers in partnership to deliver for all the people.
We are not going into government with Sinn Fein.
Sinn Fein say, "The British government are buggers".
Part of my mission, if I have that opportunity as leader, is to take Sinn Fein on.
Sinn Fein is the fastest growing party on the island of Ireland.
Let's be clear: the American people didn't give the GOP a stamp of approval or a mandate to ram through an ideologically-driven, far-right agenda.
But the fact is that the vast majority of Republicans support the Sinn Fein leadership.
Sinn Fein has the potential and capacity to become the vehicle for the attainment of republican objectives.
The most important thing to say is that Sinn Fein isn't going back to anything. We are a party on the move.
The British government says that for Sinn Fein to be involved in talks the guns must be left at the door.
On a number of occasions, I have made it clear that Sinn Fein policy was to argue for the establishment of an independent, international truth commission.
I'm not going to be known as the Sinn Fein Minister who did the bidding of a Tory administration which is focused on decimating the welfare state.
In my view, a united Ireland is inevitable, and it is certainly more likely than a voluntary coalition which doesn't include Sinn Fein.