A Quote by Mitch Lasky

The distributor used to get 10, 12, 14 percent in most cases, but the App Store or Steam - they're taking 30 points. So clearly, they're viewing what they bring to the table in the digital environment to be more valuable than distribution.
It seems like teams want a guy who can get 10, 11, 12 assists. That's the kind of player I want to be. Sometimes that is more important than scoring 30 points a night.
Globally local commerce is a $12 to $14 trillion market. If we get 10 percent of that, we'll be very happy.
By 2015, the top 1 percent of families took home more than 20 percent of income. Wealth distribution was 10 times worse than that: the families in the top 1 percent owned as much as the families in the bottom 90 percent.
We had the Windows app store in Windows 8, but one of the big changes in the design of Windows 10 is to make sure that the app store is front and center where our usage is, which is the desktop.
The more readers use the Bible app, the more valuable it becomes to them. Switching to a different digital Bible - God forbid - becomes less likely with each new revelation a user types into the app, further securing YouVersion's dominion.
Do you remember the first three years of Steam? People absolutely hated that Valve forced you to launch their game through what some people called a virus at the time, which was the Steam client. But Steam led the digital distribution revolution: it was the first across all platforms.
If a developer wants to sell something via an iPad app - it's called an 'in-app purchase' - the transaction must go through Apple, which keeps 30 percent of the money and passes 70 percent on to the developer.
The App Store has democratized the creation of content. As a 12-year-old kid, I was able to put my application on the store. No one knows who's behind the screen so you can't tell I'm a 12-year-old.
The App Store has democratized the creation of content. As a 12-year-old kid, I was able to put my application on the store. No one knows whos behind the screen so you cant tell Im a 12-year-old.
A store is just a collection of content. The Steam store is this very safe, boring entertainment experience. Nobody says, 'I'm going to play the Steam store now.'
I used to work for 12 or 14 hours at a time but the digital age has made such happy immersions almost impossible.
To let somebody get 30 points on you, and you feel good because you got 35 on them, that's not good for me, you know what I'm saying? If I get 35, I want him to get 12 or 14 because that means I've done something. I've done my job. I went out there and played hard and did what I had to do.
I'll be 100 percent honest, any time I've been given a promo, I've used three to five percent of it, which is usually what are the bullet points, what's the direction I'm going in, what points do I need to get across, what am I putting over, and that's it.
I went to graduate film school at NYU, and at first I didn't get a degree, because I took a scholarship that was supposed to pay my tuition, and I used it to make a film. For the longest time, I never actually graduated. And about 70 percent of the things I learned there I had to unlearn, but 30 percent was really valuable. It's like Mark Twain said, "Don't let school get in the way of your education."
Hardly any famine affects more than 5 percent, almost never more than 10 percent, of the population. The largest proportion of a population affected was the Irish famine of the 1840s, which came close to 10 percent over a number of years.
Seventy percent store-bought, ready-made plus 30 percent fresh allows you to take 100 percent of the credit.
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