A Quote by Moliere

People can be induced to swallow anything, provided it is sufficiently seasoned with praise. — © Moliere
People can be induced to swallow anything, provided it is sufficiently seasoned with praise.
Sceptics are generally ready to believe anything, provided it is sufficiently improbable.
People blush at praise--not only praise of their bodies, but praise of anything that is theirs.
An overdose of praise is like 10 lumps of sugar in coffee; only a very few people can swallow it.
How many things by season seasoned are To their right praise and true perfection!
Sweet praise is like perfume. It is fine if you don't swallow it.
The silence of a man who loves to praise is a censure sufficiently severe.
all the vices are seasoned with pride just as the virtues are seasoned and enlivened by charity.
The seasoned woman is going to offer a more seasoned character.
I can't sit back and swallow stuff. I live in a time and place, and in a country on earth where you're not supposed to swallow it. People just gave up.
Magnanimity is sufficiently defined by its name, nevertheless one can say it is the good sense of pride, the most noble way of receiving praise.
Be quick to praise people. People like to praise those who praise them.
People still look askance at a kid in the supermarket who's pitching a fit and think the parent is not sufficiently in control or not being sufficiently punitive. That's an issue for a lot of parents as well.
Few are sufficiently wise to prefer censure which is useful to praise which is treacherous.
In a sufficiently prosperous society where people specialize sufficiently, and where enough of the crappy work is done by machines, all work becomes art.
A negative judgment gives you more satisfaction than praise, provided it smacks of jealousy.
Anything that is beautiful is beautiful just as it is. Praise forms no part of its beauty, since praise makes things neither better nor worse. This applies even more to what it commonly called beautiful: natural objects, for example, or works of art. True beauty has no need of anything beyond itself.
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