A Quote by Madchen Amick

People just don't sit down and watch shows live anymore. They DVR it. They stream it; they watch it on Netflix or iTunes. — © Madchen Amick
People just don't sit down and watch shows live anymore. They DVR it. They stream it; they watch it on Netflix or iTunes.
There is evidence that people do want to watch shows back to back - that's why DVR use is so high. When you're able to DVR something, people will watch more than one episode.
Speaking from personal experience, I watch zero shows when they air. The only shows I watch live are awards shows or sports. Shows like 'True Detective' and 'Game Of Thrones,' I watch every episode, but I don't watch them as they air, and I think that's becoming the case for people more.
As actresses, our schedules are really wonky and we work weird hours. For me, personally, I watch pretty much everything on Netflix, and I watch all the episodes in a row, when I can. I don't really watch much of any live TV anymore, and I feel like a lot of people are doing that now.
There is no longer one way to consume TV. Some shows you want to watch live, some shows you only discover through streaming, some shows you just feel you need to DVR.
We don't have cable, so I don't watch a lot of traditional TV. I watch a lot of Netflix, and there's this thing in Canada called Show Me, and then I also get things from iTunes.
I am a Netflix/DVR junkie. I don't like to watch TV without a plan.
I think when YouTube first came out, everyone was thinking people were just going to watch five-minute shows from now on and that people didn't have the patience anymore to watch longer programmes. But instead, everyone is binge watching and consuming ten-hour programmes and box sets of shows, so it is really interesting.
I felt people wouldn't be enticed by the web, but I was wrong. I too don't watch TV anymore, and only watch digital shows.
A lot of people watch 'Community,' but DVR viewings only count if you watch within a certain time.
Netflix shook it up, brought this whole new generation of people who said, 'I watch things when I want to watch, how I want to watch, where I want to watch, and that's something that no one's going to ever forget.' This has changed the game completely, and I think it's the tip of the iceberg.
I guess I can't live without Netflix because I would have nothing to do. All I do is sit home and watch movies.
I love my iPad. I'll see television shows that I have missed and I'll download them through iTunes. If there is an older movie that I want to watch right away, I can download that movie and watch it.
People expect to see white guys, Sunday afternoon, on 'Face the Nation.' And people with a direct interest in politics do watch those shows. But not a lot of normal people watch those shows. But, 'Real Time With Bill Maher,' it's unbelievable how many people watch that.
I don't tend to watch TV. I'm like a Netflix junkie. I watch a lot of documentaries and movies on Netflix. I like 'Downton Abbey.'
If we lived in a time where people couldn't watch 'Lost' on Hulu or record it on their DVR, we wouldn't necessarily have succeeded. We need people to be able to catch up. Now you choose when you watch TV. We wouldn't have survived in the old days because people would have missed episodes.
If your team is good, you watch all the games - but if they're no fun to watch? You have a plethora of options. Just switch to Netflix.
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