A Quote by Narendra Modi

'Brand India' is built of 5 Ts - talent, tradition, tourism, trade and technology. — © Narendra Modi
'Brand India' is built of 5 Ts - talent, tradition, tourism, trade and technology.
Domains like Trade, Technology, Tourism, Talent and Tradition have the power to redefine existing paradigms.
IT+IT=IT; Indian talent + Information technology = India Tomorrow
We need to stay on the leading edge of technology, that technology in our products, in our internal process and manufacturing. But most importantly, we need the talent. It's multidisciplinary talent. It's talent that knows how to operate globally, that has technology savvy and a business savvy.
India is one of the youngest startup nations in the world, and so far, various technology startups have witnessed phenomenal growth. It's amazing how these startups are thriving solely based on domestic demands. It speaks volumes about India's economy and its rich talent pool.
There is an abundance of good sports talent in India, and wrestling needs a strong support of a very big brand to endorse the sport.
Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.
Dubai,I think is a big bore - a city deliberately built to appeal to tourism, and only built for that purpose, and not possessing a valid culture or history of its own.
I've also built my own business, and obviously it's a brand that I've built and it's wholly owned by me and something that certainly my experience observing him and working with him and for him has informed how I make business decisions around my brand. But it's my company.
The Internet is a computing platform built on top of core technology. Applied technology is what gets built on top of that: It's Web services.
Tourism is very important for Egypt as fewer tourists means fewer jobs! Of course there are positives and negatives from tourism... Tourism is a type of use, if not properly planned and managed it can destroy the very resources that brings the tourists. No reefs equals no diving, it's a simple equation. Tourism development has to be appropriate.
Priyanka Chopra has been my biggest inspiration. She has created her own brand and represented India not only in beauty pageants but also through her acting and singing talent.
You don't need a blanket of can't do this, that's illegal, that's unfair, that's unjust, all of these can'ts, all these won'ts never helped anybody.
Everything - design and technology and materials - has changed since the World Trade Center was built. A lot of it has to do with computers, which allow us to be far more efficient as well as structurally sound.
I was always taught my do's and don'ts: For do's I did, and for don'ts, I said I won't.
The value of the television network is partly tradition, serving as a navigation device and as a brand. Research shows that people do know and understand ABC as a brand, like Disney.
I can carry a brand. I did it in the UK with an entire brand basically built around me, and my in-ring work speaks for itself.
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