A Quote by Nipsey Hussle

I respect Soulja Boy. — © Nipsey Hussle
I respect Soulja Boy.

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I commend Chris Brown and Soulja Boy for going out there for so many years and entertaining the people.
I feel like Soulja Boy was one of the smartest when it came to connecting with your fans and taking that to another level.
I'll tell you who doesn't get enough credit, Soulja Boy. He was the first one to do something, post it, yank it down, and sell more records because of it.
A lot of people attack music like the Soulja Boy music, but hey man, my kids love that.
People started hitting me up on Twitter cuz I was getting millions of views on YouTube and WorldStarHipHop.com and they saw me on MTV with Soulja Boy.
I hate it when people come up to me on trains and ask 'Are you Soulja Boy?' If people want pictures or autographs, that's cool, but I don't like the dumb questions.
Traveling around is what I Like to Do. Me And my boy Arab we live on the road. Doing shows is what I love to do. I put my heart and soul on the track and I Love the response I get. Performing wit UNK? Mane daz a dream come true. He's one of my favorite artist and Inspirations. So when they said Soulja Boy you got a show wit UNK man. Im like Walk It Out UNK? LETS GO!
Soulja Boy is on his dance, down south, young, 18-year-old, comedic swag. It's really just each person's personality; if every rapper had the same swag, it would be kind of boring.
I remember watching Soulja Boy on YouTube over and over again to prepare for it. For the first one, I was up all night in my kitchen, practicing the dance, because I knew I had to dance with Timberlake and that guy can dance.
I feel like Soulja Boy was one of the smartest when it came to connecting with your fans and taking that to another level. That's how you get the real love. Someone will love you, but if they feel like they know you or they can relate to you, it's a real genuine, solid love, even when you're down.
I can get inspired just off the energy of Soulja Boy, just his energy, you have to take something from an artist. Everyone may not look at an artist the same way, but it's something that artist is doing that's creating his success.
Who will cry for the little boy, lost and all alone? Who will cry for the little boy, abandoned without his own? Who will cry for the little boy? He cried himself to sleep. Who will cry for the little boy? He never had for keeps. Who will cry for the little boy? He walked the burning sand. Who will cry for the little boy? The boy inside the man. Who will cry for the little boy? Who knows well hurt and pain. Who will cry for the little boy? He died and died again. Who will cry for the little boy? A good boy he tried to be. Who will cry for the little boy, who cries inside of me?
I wasn't a kid when I came out. Soulja Boy was 16. I'm saying that when he came out he was a kid so it was naturally a show for him. It's not about the music right away. It's a show for him. Not that he's not putting enough effort into his music, but how much effort can a 16 year old put into his music because as you mature and get older even the songs he's doing now has evolved and he's looking back.
There's something in my voice tonally that's like a boy, so I started being able to do boy voices and to be known as having a naturalistic boy tone without pushing it.
Among the other values children should be taught are respect for others, beginning with the child's own parents and family; respect for the symbols of faith and the patriotic beliefs of others; respect for law and order; respect for the property of others; respect for authority.
When I was doing 'This Boy's Life' I wanted to be as old as Robert DeNiro and as experienced as him and have the same respect as he did in that movie.
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