A Quote by Newt Gingrich

I think the destructive, vicious, negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office.
What really motivates me to climb harder and harder is not necessarily that I want to push my limits or show who's best, but climbing harder and harder routes makes it more fun.
It's important to remember that, while poverty certainly makes single life harder, it also makes married life harder - so much harder that single life might be preferable.
I think it's much harder for anybody who voted Remain to have credibility amongst the voters who voted to leave in terms of leading the country. It's not impossible, but it's much harder.
The people at the top don't work just harder or even much harder than everyone else. They work much, much harder.
I have done much more dramatic work than comedic work, but I think comedy is harder than drama in a way. I think it's one of those things that's constantly discussed - people who do comedy think it's harder, people who do drama think it's harder. Usually drama is the one that gets this highbrow respect.
Once a musician has enough ability to get into a top music school, the thing that distinguishes one performer from another is how hard he or she works. That's it. And what's more, the people at the very top don't work just harder or even much harder than everyone else. They work much, much harder.
I do think that the role of the Internet, and the way it's bringing everything into the home, has made a parent's job much more difficult. And it's harder to know what to do and how to do it. It's much, much harder.
I try to speak of a love that not necessarily romantic. I think there is so much love between people and so much love people want to give but it's harder and harder these days to show that, to celebrate that, you know?
With all this dolling up and featuring of the news, it's getter harder and harder just to get the facts of the story.
I think it's much harder to make dramatic films, and much harder to create a film that's engaging, where you're actually properly looking at real characters and subtleties.
I think it's harder - much harder - to be a good parent than to write a book.
Group shows are always much harder to present to the public because there's a theme to the show. They always do less well because a theme is a harder thing for people to grapple with than a monographic idea.
Believe it or not, fame is not as glamorous as it seems. I think it is much harder now with all of the media outlets, and people can be pretty nasty and harsh.
You might have heard about a transformation that can occur when someone first sees Earth from space - how it becomes harder to think about 'my country' or 'my people' and harder not to think about 'our planet.' I can tell you, that transformation is real.
As more women have gone into the workforce, they find it harder to be a good mother and a good worker. When I go into the office, I always feel guilty. I'm thinking about the children. When I'm at home, I'm thinking about my work. So you're always under tremendous pressure. Women feel very stressed. They feel like they're working harder and harder and harder. And society is not really helping them.
Everything's harder for women: harder to start, to stay employed, to run a life with a family.
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