A Quote by Pedro Calderon de la Barca

For even in dreams a good deed is not lost. — © Pedro Calderon de la Barca
For even in dreams a good deed is not lost.
Good Deeds Day is based on a simple idea that every person can do a good deed for the benefit of others and the planet. Even a smile that brightens someone else's day is a good deed. I initiated Good Deeds Day to spread the message that everyone can give of themselves, according to their heart's desire.
No good thing is ever lost. Nothing dies, not even life which gives up one form only to resume another. No good action, no good example dies. It lives forever in our race. While the frame moulders and disappears, the deed leaves an indelible stamp, and molds the very thought and will of future generations.
Man and his deed are two distinct things. Whereas a good deed should call forth approbation and a wicked deed dis-approbation, the doer of the deed, whether good or wicked always deserves respect or pity as the case may be. Hate the sin and not the sinner is a precept which though easy enough to understand is rarely practised, and that is why the poison of hatred spreads in the world.
Even a good man sees evil days, as long as his good deed has not ripened; but when his good deed has ripened, then does the good man see happy days.
A good deed here, a good deed there, a good thought here, a good comment there, all added up to my career in one way or another.
Know the joy of life by piling good deed on good deed until no rift or cranny appears between them.
Dream and deed are not as different as many think. All the deeds of men are dreams at first, and become dreams in the end.
For the less even as for the greater there is some deed that he may accomplish but once only; and in that deed his heart shall rest.
Whatever our creed, we feel that no good deed can by any possibility go unrewarded, no evil deed unpunished.
Even a smile is a good deed.
What good deed can government do for religion? The best deed of all: leave it free and unencumbered, burdened by neither enmity nor amity.
The good deed you do today, for a brother or sister in need will come back to you some day, for humanity's a circle in deed.
Give a good deed the credit of a good motive; and give an evil deed the benefit of the doubt.
Tell me,' asked Stas, 'what is a wicked deed?' 'If anyone takes away Kali's cow,' he answered after a brief reflection, 'that then is a wicked deed.' 'Excellent!' exclaimed Stas, 'and what is a good one?' This time the answer came without any reflection: 'If Kali takes away the cow of somebody else, that is a good deed.' Stas was too young to perceive that similar views of evil and good deeds were enunciated in Europe not only by politicians but by whole nations.
A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.
Writing may be either the record of a deed or a deed. It is nobler when it is a deed.
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