A Quote by Percy Bysshe Shelley

War is the statesman's game, the priest's delight, the lawyer's jest, the hired assassin's trade. — © Percy Bysshe Shelley
War is the statesman's game, the priest's delight, the lawyer's jest, the hired assassin's trade.
In the mind of all, fiction, in the logical sense, has been the coin of necessity;—in that of poets of amusement—in that of the priest and the lawyer of mischievous immorality in the shape of mischievous ambition,—and too often both priest and lawyer have framed or made in part this instrument.
To delight in war is a merit in the soldier, a dangerous quality in the captain, and a positive crime in the statesman.
Certainlie these things agree, The Priest, the Lawyer, & Death all three: Death takes both the weak and the strong. The lawyer takes from both right and wrong, And the priest from living and dead has his Fee.
Civilization, let me tell you what it is. First the soldier, then the merchant, then the priest, then the lawyer. The merchant hires the soldier and priest to conquer the country for him. First the soldier, he is a murderer; then the priest, he is a liar; then the merchant, he is a thief; and they all bring in the lawyer to make their laws and defend their deeds, and there you have your civilization!
Man is priest, and scholar, and statesman, and producer, and soldier.
Then a lawyer said, But what of our laws, master? And he answered: 'You delight in laying down laws. Yet you delight more in breaking them.
It is good to jest, but not to make a trade of jesting.
A trade war would be a disaster for the world. It's very easy to slip into a trade war.
The statesman, lawyer, merchant, man of trade Pants for the refuge of some rural shade, Where all his long anxieties forgot Amid the charms of a sequester'd spot, Or recollected only to gild o'er And add a smile to what was sweet before, He may possess the joys he thinks he sees, Lay his old age upon the lap of ease, Improve the remnant of his wasted span. And having lived a trifler, die a man.
Man is not a farmer, or a professor, or an engineer, but he is all. Man is priest, and scholar, and statesman, and producer, and soldier.
There are three popular theories being bandied about to explain Robert Mueller investigation, but we have to remember that it was the Donald Trump administration that decided to do this. Mueller is hiring some of the biggest Democrat lawyer donors he can find. He's hired huge donors to Barack Obama, huge donors to Hillary Clinton. He has hired fundraising lawyers, I mean, people that are lawyers in their private sector lives who have bundled and raised money. There are some on his staff who aren't, but it's noteworthy for all of the partisan leftists that Mueller has hired.
We're in a trade war. We've been in a trade war for decades. That's why we have the deficit.
In the war of magic and religion, is magic ultimately the victor? Perhaps priest and magician were once one, but the priest, learning humility in the face of God, discarded the spell for prayer.
I think it's very unlikely that we're going to see a trade war between the United States and Mexico because it's in nobody's interest to see a trade war.
Startups are constantly raising money, sometimes before they have even hired a lawyer.
I've looked up to Michael Jordan because not only was he an assassin on offense, he was an assassin on defense.
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