A Quote by Paulie Malignaggi

Everyone knows I love my fans. I wouldn't change them for the world. They have been by my side and haven't left me even when times have been tough. I try to chat with all my fans on Twitter.
Twitter has been a pleasant surprise for me. I never imagined that anyone would be interested in what I have to say! It's been fun hearing from fans around the world. Hearing how much the fans still enjoy Aliens, and what my character has meant to them has been awesome. I enjoy chatting and replying when I can.
I absolutely love my fans, and I get to chat to them a lot on Twitter, and that's why I think Twitter is really great. They call themselves 'The Sprouts' and they are really, really wonderful, so passionate, and they make me smile.
I'm really happy here. I think anyone who knows me well, and the fans too I hope, they know that I love the area, and the bond that I've had with the fans has been fantastic.
My fans have always been so supportive, and several years ago, I realized that I could thank them by naming all my characters after my Twitter and Facebook fans.
I got a lot of fans, like core fans, that love me. I ain't one of the dudes that sell five or 10 million brackets, but my followers are stern. They're there. My fans - Jadakiss fans, LOX fans, D-Block fans - they loyal.
We are so lucky because all our fans from around the world are great. We love all our fans from everywhere, and they want us to visit them. We will try! They are really the best fans we could wish for.
Twitter's been interesting. I'm kind of a tech geek, but I've never been a Facebook or Twitter guy. Surprisingly, I've really enjoyed Twitter because I get to connect with fans.
There's no fans like sci-fi fans, and everyone in the world knows that. So, to have the support of sci-fi fans is one of the most incredible feelings that an actor can actually ever experience in his career.
It's not like I'm going to go out and change the world and convert everyone into MMA fans. There's going to be fans out there who are fans of combat sports and fans of contact sports but not everybody's going to be converted.
Fans are my favorite thing in the world. I've never been the type of artist who has that line drawn between their friends and their fans. The line's always been really blurred for me. I'll hang out with them after the show. I'll hang out with them before the show. If I see them in the mall, I'll stand there and talk to them for 10 minutes.
Social media has definitely changed the game for me. I am able to connect to my fans on twitter and interact with them, daily. YouTube has been a game changer as well - people around the world have been exposed to my comedy through my YouTube channel.
That's what YouTube's become, it's become like a lot of vloggers capitalizing on this sort of like "My fans, I love my fans, hey guys." I've grown up and kind of been disgusted by that. I think it's using people, I think it's like encouraging something that's unhealthy, telling people you love them. "I love you." Oh really, you love your fans? You love the people that give you money and attention? Of course you do, that's not selfless that you love your fans, that's ridiculous.
I try as much I can after every live performance to read all the comments my fans post on Facebook and Twitter, as this helps enormously for me to understand straight from fans what worked and what didn't.
I think Twitter is such a cool thing because it really is a direct line to the fans and for fans back to you, and it's such a new thing. I think in the past there's been usually fan mail and that's really good, but Twitter, it gets an immediate response.
Science fiction's been good to me. The fans are the most loyal fans in the world.
Twitter scares me. I think it's so amazing, like the internet in general, because of the connection that it gives people. But the concept that one 140-word post can change someone's life . . . that scares me. You can literally ruin someone's life with one tweet. So I only do Instagram. I love photography . . . and interacting with the fans. I do love hearing from them. I try to answer questions if I can.
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