A Quote by Ryan Seacrest

I don't mind being the butt of the joke... It doesn't really bother me. I quite enjoy it. — © Ryan Seacrest
I don't mind being the butt of the joke... It doesn't really bother me. I quite enjoy it.
As far as outlining is concerned, I don't outline humor. I might right down a word or two to remind myself of a punch line I thought of, but the actual structure of a piece I really don't. I don't think it would really help me because for me the process is joke, joke, joke, joke.
I'm not freakishly short. I had, on my show, used shortness as a joke subject; it didn't really bother me.
When I'm writing columns, it's - all I'm thinking about is jokes, joke, joke, joke, setup, punch line, joke, joke, joke. And I really don't care where it goes.
I like clothes and fashion. It's a hobby for me and I really enjoy being part of it, so it's nice when people say: 'He can dress quite well.
I like clothes and fashion. It's a hobby for me and I really enjoy being part of it, so it's nice when people say: 'He can dress quite well.'
Being the hero doesn't bother me, but being part of a successful team does bother me.
I realized that you didn't have to make self-deprecating remarks or turn yourself into the butt of some unspoken joke. I also discovered that being big didn't deter possible suitors.
It's a bit embarrassing for a company to be exposed for wrongdoing, but it's really embarrassing if it's done by making them the butt of a joke.
I enjoy the freedom of living alone and not having anyone interfere with my belongings. I mean, I'm quite a selfish human being. I think being in the public eye and growing up, it's made me quite selfish in some respects. I can be extremely generous with friends, but in relationships I can be quite mean in terms of my time and my affections. I take people for granted, and I'm trying not to do that.
I enjoy watching a woman with really bad teeth and a good sense of humor struggling to use her lips and tongue to hide her teeth when she's laughing. I just stand there and tell her joke after joke after joke.
I'm in the strange position of the world drifting away from me, but you know what? I'm actually quite content with that. It doesn't bother me in the slightest. I don't feel like, 'Oh God, I'm being left behind.'
A joke bombing on stage doesn't bother me, especially if it's intended to bomb.
It used to bother me when people called me a pussy. But the joke's on them - after all, you are what you eat!
Wearing a hijab never made me feel any more conservative - it made me feel safe. Then, after 9/11, I became the butt of a joke on the playground, so I stopped wearing it. Kids can be really cruel when you're the only black girl in your Girl Scout troop.
Being confined to a wheelchair doesn't bother me as my mind is free to roam the universe, but it felt wonderful to be weightless.
The U.K. and Europe in general seem to be a lot more patient. The U.S. are expecting 'joke joke joke joke joke joke joke.' They don't actually sit and listen to you.
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