A Quote by Reince Priebus

There's an obsession by the media to delegitimize Donald Trump, and we are not going to sit around and let it happen. We're going to fight back tooth and nail every day, and twice on Sunday.
Donald Trump would be a better president every day of the week and twice on Sunday rather than Hillary Clinton.
Remember, folks - do not doubt me on this - the media gets up every day hoping, praying, dreaming, thinking that that day something is going to surface or happen that will end up being the silver bullet that gets rid of Donald Trump.
Donald Trump's promised the moon. Now he has power. He's going to fail to deliver. He's not going to be able to bring a bunch of coal jobs back and a bunch of factory jobs back in this global economy. Period. Because you can't. It's not going to happen.
If you think the left are going to give you your country back without a fight, you are sadly mistaken. Every day - every day, it is going to be a fight.
There are some communities that feel you shouldn't give them the publicity, because it's just going to make people curious. There are communities who feel we need to fight them tooth and nail. What we have seen, though, is that ignoring them does not make them go away. If we sit back and let them have free reign, we lose members of our community.
Donald Trump said: I, Donald Trump, yes, I am going to take on the entire establishment. I'm going to take on the political establishment. I am going to take on the economic establishment. I'm going to take on the media establishment. And I think a lot of people responded positively to that message.
Donald Trump has the benefit of the fact that he's dominated media coverage, I mean, literally dominated media coverage because of the outrageous things he says and so forth. That's going to end here. There's going to be real fight now for the heart and soul of the Republican Party and the conservative movement. And it is not - I will do whatever it takes to prevent it from being taken over by a con artist.
A lot of people voted for Trump because of the promises he made around jobs. And so it's a failed political strategy if the goal actually is to get Trump impeached. Trump's not going to get impeached if he's still useful to the Republican party, and the only thing that makes him not useful to the Republican party is if his base turns on him. And that's not going to happen over Russia. That's going to happen over economic betrayal. But that's not going to happen if no one knows that it's happening.
Donald Trump is going to focus - I know the media wants to focus on that one issue. Donald Trump will articulate a policy about how we deal with that population
So when people say how horrible it is that Donald Trump is president, well, yeah, but we've faced a lot worse than this and our country went on to go from the world of 'Mad Men' to the world it is today, and that's what's going to happen now. That's what's going to happen in the next 50 years. We're going to be fine.
The Donald Trump of Washington ends up being portrayed by all of these news stories that happen to be sourced by anonymous leakers. Every day in Washington at 5:30 there's a new bombshell in the Drive-By Media from an anonymous source once again informing us how incompetent, how ill-mannered, how ill-prepared, how in chaos, how out of touch Donald Trump is.
The left, led by the news media, has been telling us practically from the day that Donald Trump announced his candidacy that he would be a complete disaster, particularly in foreign affairs and foreign relations around the world, and even more particularly in the Middle East. And, instead, we see the rave reception that President Trump is getting everywhere he is going, the profound respect.
Donald Trump has said we're going to move immigrants out, people who've overstayed their visas. We're going to enforce the law of this country. We're going to strengthen Immigrations and Customs Enforcements with more resources and more personnel to be able to do that. And then Donald Trump has made it clear, once we've done all of those things, that we're going to reform the immigration system that we have.
Donald [Trump], you're not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency. That's not going to happen.
Donald Trump, despite his campaign promises, this is not a guy who is going to be willing to send executive power that belongs to the legislative branch back to the legislative branch. I mean, Donald Trump is going to try to amass and consolidate power, given that he's an authoritarian.
He [Donald Trump]wants to build the wall. It would be silly to say we`re going to - we`re going to create an army and we`re going to have Mexico pay for our border patrol, our border police. Clearly, that`s not going to happen.
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