A Quote by Rush Limbaugh

"Make America great again." You know, to a lot of people, well, that's jingoistic. That's nationalism. That's cheap, that's rank, that's not a movement. — © Rush Limbaugh
"Make America great again." You know, to a lot of people, well, that's jingoistic. That's nationalism. That's cheap, that's rank, that's not a movement.
Nobody's ever had crowds like we're having. It's a movement. It's a movement for common sense. These I think are real Trump people. These are people that want to see America be great again. That's what it's all about.
I'm doing this [running for presidency] for the people and for the movement, and we will take back this country for you and we will make America great again.
Make America Great Again was a political slogan. It was used before, I believe Ronald Reagan used it before. It was about making America great and rallying America. Unfortunately, I would say 10 percent of the population that voted for President Trump has a different view. They have embraced it as 'Make America White Again.'
What is the appeal of Trump, really? It's nostalgic: "Make America great again." Like European nationalists, he has a vision of a "real" America, one which predates globalization, immigration, feminism, the civil rights movement and technological change, an imaginary 1950s to which we can now return. That is actually not very different from the kind of language that Marine Le Pen uses, or parts of the Brexit movement.
The world's going to respect us again and they don't now. A lot of that has to do with the leader. And a lot of it has to do with leadership. But our country is going to be respected again and we are going to make America great again.
There's tremendous spirit about make America great again. I mean that's the whole thing. We're going to make America great again.
You know, folks, I'm going to make America great again. Honestly, I'm going to make America great again.
We will make America strong again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again, greater than ever before.
Donald Trump's slogan: "Let's make America great again." And when I hear that, that seems to suggest there was a moment in the past when America really was great, you know, when women knew their places, when we could set dogs on black people in Mississippi, when young people went and sit in at lunch counters and were assaulted by others. That's about the death of memory. That's about memory being basically suppressed in a way that doesn't allow people to understand that there were things that happened in the past that we not only have to remember, we have to prevent from happening again.
We don't need to go back in time and make America great again, because really, America was only great for certain people.
When Donald Trump says make America great again, we know whose America that is.
Playing to resentment and using a lot of, you know, grand abstract phrases like make America great again is - it just doesn't have the answer. It's simply a way to whip up emotion and then leave people more bitter than you found them.
The hat, Make America Great Again. I fought like crazy to find a company in this country that could make the hats. And I found one. And they're American-made, but it's - because I knew the first thing people would do is, where is the hat made. OK, Make America Great.
Sometimes nationalism can be jingoistic - even fascistic - but it can also be a constructive impetus that helps to unify a nation. Those whose nationalist critique of parties finds resonance with masses of voters can acquire vast power. We can only hope that they know what to do with it.
People feel like there're two systems of justice, you know? Over there at Wells Fargo, you know, you had the scandal going on there, but the CEO leaves with a big, giant package. And other folks get in a whole lot of trouble for doing a lot less. The truth is that we have got to make America work for working people again.
What I will do is put America first. People don't like to use that term of America first, but we're going to make America great again by putting America first.
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