A Quote by Rush Limbaugh

I do not consider myself opposed to any of these Republicans, because any of these people if they were gonna get the nomination are gonna get my vote over Hillary Clinton. I am not in any way, shape, manner, or form trying to damage any of them.
Hillary [Clinton] wins and the Republicans are gonna quickly be irrelevant. She's gonna get her Supreme Court nominee. She's gonna open the borders. The country is going to be flooded with unregistered Democrat voters, that are gonna end up voting anyway, to go along with the dead who vote.
It's what [Hillary Clinton] embodied and what the Clinton mystique was as it was passed down from parents to children and so forth. Because logically none of this makes any sense, as you are encountering. So you're trying to confront all these people with logic, and I would maintain to you that they don't have any where this is concerned.
The Democrats are going to tax everybody through the roof. It is going to be focused on people that are wealthy because that's who they can tax. When you look at the stimulus plan - see, this doesn't make any sense, this is not working, it's not going to work, it's not intended to work the way we all were told it was gonna work. Health care is not going to get better. It's gonna get worse. It's gonna get rationed. The economy, the energy sector, nothing is being improved here. Everything's being wrecked.
I have known Trent Lott for 20 years, ... I don't believe he's racist. But he must proactively send a message to his colleagues in the Senate and the American people that he is absolutely opposed to any segregation in any form and racism in any form and discrimination in any form.
The left have not the ability to get into reality in any way, shape, manner, or form.
I refuse to be beaten in any way shape or form, so I'm gonna beat this too.
Hillary Clinton doesn't have any natural talents. Hillary doesn't have any natural connection to people. Hillary doesn't have any charisma, magnetism. All of that has to be manufactured by the media.
If we can get people engaged in the world around them in any form, in any way, that's a positive thing, and hopefully we can get them to come to the news more.
On Hillary's side, I don't think it gets more establishment than Hillary Clinton. If I had one word to describe Hillary, it would be 'beholden.' Nothing's gonna really change. Government's gonna have the answer to everything, and that's gonna mean taxes are gonna go up.
What the Democrats have done is tell the poor and the middle class that the Democrats are looking out for 'em. Democrats are gonna get even with those rich people. They're gonna get there, and they're gonna have theirs taken away. They're gonna lose theirs, and you're supposed to feel good about that. You, who are poor or middle class, are supposed to feel happy, not because you have any more than you had. You're supposed to be happy because the rich that you hate have finally been screwed like you think you were screwed.
Because [Donald Trump] so clearly - through his words and actions and the type of people that turn up at his rallies - represents people who are not the middle, not the upper middle educated class, there is a fear of seeming to be associated in any way with them, a social fear that lowers the class status of anyone who can be accused of somehow assisting Trump in any way, including any criticism of Hillary Clinton.
My dad told me at the very beginning of my career, basically, "If you're gonna have a megaphone, you're gonna need to use it to do some kind of good." He has always been aggravated by any kind of celebrities that don't have any charities or love or passion or something they're trying to help.
If I murmur in the least at affliction, if I am in any way uncharitable, if I revenge my own case, if I do anything purely to please myself or omit anything because it is a great denial, if I trust myself, if I take any praise for any good which Christ does by me, or if I am in any way proud, I shall act as my own and not God’s.
It is perfectly evident to any logical mind that when you have got the vote, by the proper use of the vote in sufficient numbers, by combination, you can get out of any legislature whatever you want, or, if you cannot get it, you can send them about their business and choose other people who will be more attentive to your demands.
There are a lot of [Donald] Trump people, I mean, Trump, I remember hearing it, some of these rallies that he had talking about a special prosecutor, and his audience was responding wildly positively to it. So we'll see. Look, I do not think that Trump supporters are going to abandon him over this, and I don't think he's gonna lose any of them over this, but I do know a couple people are gonna be livid that it's not gonna happen.
I don't have any fear of working with Samsung because I'm not gonna let them put a phone on my forehead; that's just never gonna happen.
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