A Quote by Rex Chapman

I swim to stay healthy and try to stay as busy as I can. — © Rex Chapman
I swim to stay healthy and try to stay as busy as I can.

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I watch what I eat. I'm careful with exercise. I do enough to try to stay healthy, but I don't overdo, and I pace myself... Most important of all though, I try to think healthy thoughts.
I try to exercise, I try to think of it less as vanity and more like, how do I stay healthy from the inside out? I try to make my insides happy and healthy and I think that reflects on the outside.
Are you experiencing restlessness? Stay! Are fear and loathing out of control? Stay! Aching knees and throbbing back? Stay! What's for lunch? Stay! I can't stand this another minute! Stay!
I try to keep my routine as consistent as possible. I try to lift every single day. It's not powerlifting. It's not lifting to become the strongest man in the world. It's lifting just to stay in shape. Stay lean. Stay injury free.
I try and stay limber, swim, run, ride motorcycles.
... if it's not your style to stretch and go the extra mile to make sure our customer experience is great, you're going to have an allergic reaction to this company. You probably won't stay. If you do try and stay, but can't adapt to the culture then it will reject you like a virus from a healthy immune system.
Staying healthy puts good numbers up. If you stay healthy and try to do the things that you can to win ballgames and do what you can for your team, that's all that matters.
Stay hungry, stay young, stay foolish, stay curious, and above all, stay humble because just when you think you got all the answers, is the moment when some bitter twist of fate in the universe will remind you that you very much don't.
My goal is to stay on the field, stay healthy and be a part of some wins.
I like to make stuff and I try to stay busy.
Stay hungry, stay healthy, be a gentleman, believe strongly in yourself and go beyond limitations.
Especially going to Oakland public schools where as a white kid you have to figure out if you're going to sink or swim socially, one of the main ways to stay buoyant was to stay funny.
I'm going to stay in the gym, stay watching film, stay focused, stay being an all around professional.
I exercise a lot. I try to stay healthy.
I'll try to play as long as I can stay healthy.
I eat my vegetables and try to stay healthy.
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