A Quote by Rob Lowe

I really make a point of never worrying, or trying not to worry, about the way I'm perceived. You'll go crazy otherwise. — © Rob Lowe
I really make a point of never worrying, or trying not to worry, about the way I'm perceived. You'll go crazy otherwise.
When I really worry about something, I don’t just fool around. I even have to go to the bathroom when I worry about something. Only, I don’t go. I’m too worried to go. I don’t want to interrupt my worrying to go.
You can't worry about how the thing is going to come about. Ruminating about trying to make something happen or worrying about the how actually slows down the prayer being answered, because the way prayers are answered exceeds human third-dimensional thinking. Asking for help from the angels is like going to the post office: You have to let go of the envelope in order for it to be mailed.
We are all scrutinised. Everyone. Man, woman, everyone, especially if you are in the public eye in any way on social media. It's about doing you and not worrying too much about other things. Only worry about the things that are really worth worrying about.
There are very few things in the mind which eat up as much energy as worry. It is one of the most difficult things not to worry about anything. Worry is experienced when things go wrong, but in relation to past happenings it is idle merely to wish that they might have been otherwise. The frozen past is what it is, and no amount of worrying is going to make it other than what it has been. But the limited ego-mind identifies itself with its past, gets entangled with it and keeps alive the pangs of frustrated desires.
When dreaded outcomes are actually imminent we don't worry about themwe take action. Seeing lava from the local volcano make its way down the street toward our house does not cause worry it causes running. Also we don't usually choose imminent events as subjects for our worrying and thus emerges an ironic truth: Often the very fact that you are worrying about something means that it isn't likely to happen.
We don't really worry about... what the audience might think. When we make a piece of music we don't worry whether they will like it or not; we are really trying to create the music that we want to listen to as individuals. We think it's the healthiest way.
Don't worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind, the kind that blindside you at 4 p.m. on some idle Tuesday.
I'm not really a political-type person, meaning that I don't really make great stands or whatever, but if you ask me a direct question I say it shouldn't matter who you are, whether you're black, white, green, gay, male, female. If you can do a job and do it well you should be paid for it, you should be respected for it, and you have to be responsible. I think sometimes people can go too fare trying to make a point. I think they should just make their point and go on about.
When you begin to worry, go find something to do. Get busy being a blessing to someone; do something fruitful. Talking about your problem or sitting alone, thinking about it, does no good; it serves only to make you miserable. Above all else, remember that worrying is totally useless. Worrying will not solve your problem.
I have spent most of my time worrying about things that have never happened. Worrying is not an action! In fact, it is action that alleviates concern and dissipates worries. Take more actions when you feel that worry is creeping in to steal your time. It need not be a huge action, any action in the direction you want to go will do.
Ninety per-cent of what we worry about never happens, yet we worry and worry. What a horrible way to go through life! What a horrible thing to do to your colon!
I don't worry about budget, at least not early on. I discovered that if you start worrying about budget, then you'll get half of whatever you're trying to worry about. You're constantly working yourself into a corner. So, you just shoot for the stars and then see what you get.
I saw one of the absolute truths of this world: each person is worrying about himself; no one is worrying about you. He or she is worrying about whether you like him, not whether he likes you. He is worrying about whether he looks prepossessing, not whether you are dressed correctly. He is worrying about whether he appears poised, not whether you are. He is worrying about whether you think well of him, not whether he thinks well of you. The way to be yourself ... is to forget yourself.
I never worry about injury. When you go out there, you're playing football. And when you start worrying about those things, that's more when they happen, playing timid or keeping it in the back of your mind.
When faced with adverse circumstances, if you can do something, do it and there is not need to worry. If you can't do anything, then there is no point to worry. So in either case, worrying is an added suffering. But this does not mean of course that we should not be unhappy about injustice, abuse and other kinds of behavior that brings suffering upon others.
I learned as a mascot that rules don't really apply to you. As long as you don't go crazy with that. You want to go be the 12th man on a football play, they might have an objection, but otherwise, if you stay out of the way of the game, you can do most anything.
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