A Quote by Robert Breault

As any artist can tell you, it is easier to reach perfection than to stop there. — © Robert Breault
As any artist can tell you, it is easier to reach perfection than to stop there.
There is a difference between a fighter and a martial artist. A fighter is training for a purpose: He has a fight. I'm a martial artist. I don't train for a fight. I train for myself. I'm training all the time. My goal is perfection. But I will never reach perfection.
There is a difference between a fighter and a martial artist. A fighter is training for a purpose: He has a fight. I’m a martial artist. I don’t train for a fight. I train for myself. I’m training all the time. My goal is perfection. But I will never reach perfection.
You can't reach perfection unless you reach zero seconds - it's just the constant chase for perfection.
It's easier to tell a lie, than to tell the truth. It's easier to kill a fly, than it is to turn it loose.
Three hours of creating is taxing on any brain, and you should stop there. Some days, you may stop without any words at all. It's much easier to write new stuff the next day than to go through painful deletions of a day's worth of crap you already wrote.
I liked the idea of a self-contained, endless pursuit of perfection. But I have a problem with perfection. I don't think perfection is very artful. But there's something I liked about the image of a skater going in this endless twisted circle that doesn't have any real endpoint. So the object is not to stop or arrive anywhere; it's just to make this thing as beautiful as they can.
In his garden every man may be his own artist without apology or explanation. Each within his green enclosure is a creator, and no two shall reach the same conclusion; nor shall we, any more than other creative workers, be ever wholly satisfied with our accomplishment. Ever a season ahead of us floats the vision of perfection and herein lies its perennial charm.
Any artistic achievement that is tailored to conform to social demands rather than to the real, uninhibited, feelings of its creator, is destined not to reach the heights of achievement, or even fail. It is only when an artist is dis-inhibited that he or she can reach the heights of artistic achievement.
Growing up is a trap," snapped Dr. Robbins. "When they tell you to shut up, they mean stop talking. When they tell you to grow up, they mean stop growing. Reach a nice level plateau and settle there, predictable and unchanging, no longer a threat.
I'm training all the time. My goal is perfection. But I will never reach perfection.
I believe it's going to be easier to stop Ricky Hatton than it will be to stop Lovemore N'dou.
I have always had a drive that pushed me to try for perfection, and golf is a game in which perfection stays just out of reach.
I don't think perfection is possible. I think you can attempt to reach perfection, but I don't think it's a possible thing. I think perfection is a moving point, and we spend our artistic lives chasing it.
Was parenting ever going to get easier? Did you ever reach a point where you could stop worrying?
Perfection in any endeavor is an aiming point. Let the desire for it push you, but don't let the absence of it stop you.
I want to reach absolute perfection. And I think I can reach it.
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