A Quote by Ruth Reed

This project is so important because it's going to create an environment to inspire people. The RIBA believes that here in the UK we can design buildings and places that bring out the very best in people and motivate them. There is a real desire to see this project happen.
I've been really lucky that I've kind of gotten to flow from project to project, because I find it's very important that when you're on a project, you are so invested in it.
The first job of a leader-at work or at home-is to inspire trust. It's to bring out the best in people by entrusting them with meaningful stewardships, and to create an environment in which high-trust interaction inspires creativity and possibility.
If you can create an environment where people are invited to do their best work and the best ideas always win, then the project itself will win.
I float from one project to another project, so you miss people and you don't see them for years.
I think it is important to be present in the places where you are working. It is not only about doing a project, but following the project through its construction.
Don't bring on the design engineers too soon. One of the worst things you can do in the early phases of a project is to bring on a bunch of detailed design engineers and then not give them clear direction and close supervision.
With film, I have to be a team player; it's a whole different thing. I can't just be a one-man show. I have to learn how to use people to the best of their ability and motivate them to be as passionate about the project as I am.
In a criminal justice setting, it's very hard to create a therapeutic environment where people do feel safe, but the real important thing to do is to do your best to do that.
It depends on the project, what's happening that day on the project, at what stage were in on the project; it various from project to project and where we're needed.
I believe it is called 'Area 51' because of a project, the very first project that went on out there, in 1951.
When people with power see things happen of which they disapprove, they drop bombs and send in tanks. When people without power see things happen of which they disapprove, they smash store windows, blow themselves up in crowded places, and fly planes into buildings. The fact that both methods have proved remarkably unsuccessful at changing things doesn't stop people from going on in the same way.
But design has never been a Europe-only project. The best of design has global influences. And we've got to design the future immigration system to make sure that we continue to attract the brightest and best.
For me, everything is still possible and I am as determined as ever. I believe first that the project of a people does not die. It is the project of freedom for a people, it is a project of sovereignty. And since the nation exists, it has the right to its own state. I will work to advance it in that direction.
I'm a bit of an abstract figure that people can project their fantasies on; it's pretty much what we all are, otherwise we wouldn't be stars, and people wouldn't be interested. But people project things on you that have nothing to do with what you really are, or they see a little something and then exaggerate it. And you can't really control that.
One of the best ways to stop the failed policies coming out of Congress is to bring in the ideas and the involvement of the American people, which the America Speaking Out project is designed to do.
You are not likely to bring out the best in people or nurture their creativity if every time you hear about their problems you instantly offer a solution Encourage people to look for their own solutions-and project the knowledge that they are capable of doing so.
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