A Quote by Tom Hanks

Some people are cowards... I think by and large a third of people are villains, a third are cowards, and a third are heroes. Now, a villain and a coward can choose to be a hero, but they've got to make that choice.
I got started in Oklahoma. That's where I was born. Population down there is one-third Indians, one-third Negroes and one-third white people.
I love putting two things next to each other that don't necessarily belong, because then there's sort of a third atmosphere, a third space that is created depending on who the reader is. Some people will immediately make the links between who's in each section and see exactly what's going on and some people won't. And I don't think that matters at all.
You look at energy use in the U.S. and one-third of it is automotive or our transportation system, one-third of it is manufacturing and one-third of it is buildings. That means architects are responsible for one-third of energy by their designs. So not only is it dire, it's also something that we can do.
I'm just giving you some spiel, the ludicrous plot of a novel, a story I invented to touch your heart—one-third bullshit, one-third booze, and one-third genuine tenderness, you know the kind of thing.
To be honest, in 2012, I was against both candidates, and so I just picked any third party because I thought if more people voted for third parties then they'd have to take third parties seriously.
I like to say, 'I spend one-third of my time in Nigeria, one-third in Europe or America, and one-third on a plane.'
Most of my movies get about a third raves, a third vicious attacks, and a third in-between.
He [Will Rogers] was America's most complete human document. One-third humor. One-third humanitarian. One-third heart.
Most drugs work on only about a third of the population, they do no damage to another third, and the final third can have negative consequences.
I'm a Benedictine Nun in outlook; I divide my time evenly so one third is spent in academe, another third on writing and the final third on television and radio.
There's always a third choice in life. Even if you think you're stuck between two impossible choices, there's always a third way. You just have to look for it.
Football is one-third offense, one-third defense, and one-third special teams.
I looked long and hard at third films in series to see if there were any good ones that I could learn from. And there weren't any that hadn't just gone off the train tracks by their third film. Until, that is, I got to the third 'Lord of the Rings' film.
Save one-third, live on one-third, and give away one-third
The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water-the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.
When a teacher tries to teach something to the entire class at the same time, chances are, one-third of the kids already know it; one-third will get it; and the remaining third won’t. So two-thirds of the children are wasting their time.
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