A Quote by William Matthews

What are the precise characteristics of an epigram it is not easy to define. It differs from a joke, in the fact that the wit of the latter dies in the words, and cannot therefore be conveyed in another language; while an epigram is a wit of ideas, and hence, is translatable. Like aphorisms, songs and sonnets, it is occupied with some single point, small and manageable; but whilst a song conveys a sentiment, a sonnet a poetical, and an aphorism a moral reflection, an epigram expresses a contrast.
Some learned writers . . . have compared a Scorpion to an Epigram . . . because as the sting of the Scorpion lyeth in the tayl, so the force and virtue of an epigram is in the conclusion.
A college of wit-crackers cannot flout me out of my humor. Dost thou think I care for a satire or an epigram?
An epigram is the marriage of wit and wisdom; a wisecrack, their divorce.
What is an epigram? A dwarfish whole, its body brevity, and wit its soul.
What is a epigram? A dwarfish whole. Its body brevity, and wit its soul.
Epigram and truth are rarely commensurate. Truth has to get somewhat chiseled, as it were, before it will fit into an epigram.
Take my advice, dear reader, don’t talk epigrams even if you have the gift. I know, to those have, the temptation is almost irresistible. But resist it. Epigram and truth are rarely commensurate. Truth has to be somewhat chiselled, as it were, before it will quite fit into an epigram.
A joke is an epigram on the death of a feeling.
Audiences are always better pleased with a smart retort, some joke or epigram, than with any amount of reasoning.
The wise men of old have sent most of their morality down the stream of time in the light skiff of apothegm or epigram; and the proverbs of nations, which embody the commonsense of nations, have the brisk concussion of the most sparkling wit.
By wit we search divine aspect above, By wit we learn what secrets science yields, By wit we speak, by wit the mind is rul'd, By wit we govern all our actions; Wit is the loadstar of each human thought, Wit is the tool by which all things are wrought.
I am mistaken if a single epigram included fails to preserve at least some faint thrill of the emotion through which it had to pass before the Muse's lips let it fall, with however exquisite deliberation.
The art of newspaper paragraphing is to stroke a platitude until it purrs like an epigram.
Somewhere in the world there is an epigram for every dilemma.
Feminine passion is to masculine as an epic is to an epigram.
All literature is an effort at the formal character of the epigram.
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