A Quote by Felix Dennis

You cannot properly bring up children when you are 69 or 70 and they are 12 and at the height of their madness. You can physically do it, but I don't think it's morally justified.
Young children from Guatemala who are adopted into the United States gain considerable height relative to the standards. So the height difference cannot be genetic.
Society itself is an accident to the spirit, and if society in any of its forms is to be justified morally it must be justified at the bar of the individual conscience.
I cannot see him. I cannot have a relationship with my father and be morally consistent... I lived with all these adopted children, so they are my family. To say Soon-Yi was not my sister is an insult to all adopted children.
I am not a pacifist - I think that violence and self-defence are often morally justified.
99% of our uses of animals, including our numerically most significant use of them for food, do not involve any sort of necessity or any real conflict between human and nonhuman interests. If animals matter morally at all, then, even without accepting a theory of animal rights, those uses of animals cannot be morally justified.
By moving to London I removed myself from the madness of the entertainment industry. I love the city and the culture, and it was an opportunity to bring my children up in a more sane environment.
I believe that all the survivors are mad. One time or another their madness will explode. You cannot absorb that much madness and not be influenced by it. That is why the children of survivors are so tragic. I see them in school. They don't know how
We hold that what one man cannot morally do, a million men cannot morally do, and government, representing many millions of men, cannot do.
Women feel safe with me as well they should, because not only am I morally objected at going too far, but physically I cannot do it.
You've got to stand as you exist. You can change the height of the podium to accommodate your height, but you cannot have a stool. You cannot have footstool or any of that.
You cannot escape what you have to deal with inside yourself. It will never bring good things. It will only bring madness.
I lived in Peckham for the first 12 years of my life and then my mum and dad decided they really didn't want to bring up their children there. So they saved up money and bought a house in Plumstead, semi-detached, three bedrooms.
I think that we shall have to get accustomed to the idea that we must not look upon science as a 'body of knowledge,' but rather as a system of hypotheses; that is to say, as a system of guesses or anticipations which in principle cannot be justified, but with which we work as long as they stand up to tests, and of which we are never justified in saying that we know they are 'true' or 'more or less certain' or even 'probable.'
All the Americans in the study were native born, but the height of the mother does affect the growth potential of the child. So, there is a second generation effect. But this can explain only a small portion of the height difference between Americans and northern Europeans. Regarless of continent of origin, children who grow up under conditions of good health and nutrition are about the same height, on average.
Foreigners cannot bring freedom, cannot bring democracy, because this is related to the culture, to the different factors that affect or influence that society. You cannot bring it, you cannot import it.
He's my father married to my sister. That makes me his son and his brother-in-law. That is such a moral transgression... I cannot see him. I cannot have a relationship with my father and be morally consistent. I lived with all these adopted children, so they are my family. To say Soon-Yi was not my sister is an insult to all adopted children.
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