A Quote by Francine Pascal

I know you think that when you're 35, 45, 55, you'll be different. But I'm going to let you in on a bit of a secret. You're going to look different, and your life is going to be different, but in your head you'll always be that 16-year-old girl.
I spar with 18-year-old kids that try to kick my ass all the time. As far as going in and doing a wrestling match, I think that pales in comparison, but it's a totally different thing. It's completely different. You have to condition your body.
You may be pulling from different influences because of different things that are going on in your life, different people that are around you and more experiences to pull from.
Congress always gets new blood. You have to balance that with people who know what's going on. It's no different than a business, it's no different than your personal life.
I've got a variety of different sources of news that I follow and every day there's going to be different headlines, different stories spun different ways and different sources that they're going to cite as their facts.
Your true potential will speak as loud as your willingness to listen will allow it. If you simply breathe for the next 365 days, your life is going to be different, but is that the “different” you want to create in your life? You have to make your possibilities welcome in your life.
I think you grieve different elements, you grieve your wife who's gone, you grieve the fact she had cancer and you had to watch her die, you grieve the fact the life you built isn't going to be the same as the one going forward. All these different elements hit you at different times.
It's a great place to be at 36 because you're an adult and you're responsible for how you impact other people, the direction of your own life [too], but you're also young enough to say, "You know what? I'm not sure of where I'm at, and I'm going to change that course and do something different. I'm going to look at life differently." I think that's the magic of that age.
With everything you're letting go, I'm sure it's going to have a different value to you. And every time you let go you're going to be a different age or there's going to be different circumstances. So I think the best way to do it is to simply wish the best for that thing.
I think anything you listen to is going to be different. You're going to listen to a song differently if you're just sitting around somewhere listening on your phone as opposed to sitting in a dark room listening to a vinyl album. It's going to be a totally different experience.
I've always thought 45 to 55 is a great time for guys: Your body has filled out. Your face doesn't look old, but you're weathered enough to look like you know what you're talking about.
I enjoy living life and I enjoy going to different restaurants and eating my way through a country and going to different museums and learning about different cultures.
Every year is different. I'm not getting any younger trying to keep it going. It's always a challenge. It's like a boxer going into a ring. You never can tell what's going to work and what's not going to work until you're in action and everything is going on around you. It's very intense and always a challenge and always a thrill.
It's so different going in the studio and singing your own music and you don't really think about making sure that the message of the song or the idea behind the song comes across to people. Because it's in your head, it's in your heart, whatever, but it's... different when you're playing a character and you're singing as the character. There's just a lot more involved in that, I guess.
I always have the feeling that my subjects are the same - I'm just changing my point of view. I'm going to move a little bit this time and watch it a different way. But at the end, I think I'm always fascinated by the same things, except I will express them over and over again, with different words, with different colors, with different shapes. But strangely it will always be the same topics or subjects that are so important to me.
There are different 'It' factors for different players. There are all kinds of different personalities of quarterbacks around the league, but there are a lot of good ones and they don't necessarily think and act alike. But I do think there are moments during games even on the collegiate level where you can see that this guys is something different, someone sees things differently, they see things a little bit quicker, they're a little bit more cognizant of what's going on. I think it's something like that.
There were no surprises, because when you sell a pilot based on a pitch, no matter how great the script is, it's going to look different and feel different from what someone imagines in their head. There will always be varying degrees of disappointment or confusion.
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