A Quote by Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit to be president and commander-in-chief. — © Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit to be president and commander-in-chief.
Donald Trump poses a serious threat to America, based on what he has said. He is unqualified to be president and he is unfit temperamentally to be commander-in-chief.
We saw more evidence that [Doanld Trump] is temperamentally unfit and totally unqualified to be commander-in-chief. He trash-talked American generals, saying they had been, quote, "reduced to rubble," that's how he talks about distinguished men and women who have spent their lives serving our country, sacrificing for us. That's how he would act as commander-in-chief.
I trust Hillary Clinton as president and commander in chief, but the thought of Donald Trump as commander in chief scares me to death.
Hillary [Clinton] had started running a million-dollar ad campaign trying to define [Donald] Trump as temperamentally unfit for the office and intellectually unfit. No experience. It's dangerous to let Trump anywhere near the nuclear codes and the push button and so forth.
Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit.
Donald Trump is just unfit, unprepared, just doesn't get it, shouldn't be the commander in chief of America.
I was very surprised Barack Obama called Donald Trump "unfit to serve" during a press conference with the prime minister of Singapore. That is the sort of full-weight-of-the-presidency thing that I don't necessarily expect from Obama. So, why did he do it? I think he not only genuinely dislikes Trump but believes Trump would be dangerous as the commander-in-chief.
It's one of the reasons [Vladimir Putin invitation to U.S] why 50 national security officials who served in Republican information - in administrations have said that Donald [Trump] is unfit to be the commander- in-chief. It's comments like that that really worry people who understand the threats that we face.
Donald Trump would be a chaos president. He would not be the commander in chief we need to keep our country safe.
I think what more and more Americans are concluding is that Donald Trump is not a man who is qualified to be president, and he is not fit to be commander and chief.
President Trump is President Trump. He is the commander-in-chief. He can roll things out however he wants.
Donald Trump is great at the one-liners, but he's a chaos candidate and he'd be a chaos president. He would not be the commander in chief we need to keep our country safe.
If Reince Priebus is, in fact, the chief of staff and operating as chief of staff, he is the most important staffer the president Donald Trump has. And it is not unusual for a president to set up some competing power centers, as Ronald Reagan did, but there`s nothing like being the chief of staff, which has so much say over what the president reads, who the president sees, who`s the last person the president talks to before he makes a decision.
As a military officer - and this is - I have lived my life in the national security realm - I don't think I could vote for Donald Trump, because, you know, for one, I'm not a fan of a president or a commander in chief wrapping his arms around any dictator. That's very important to me.
Thanks to NBC News and thanks to the NBC primetime TV network, Donald Trump has been in living rooms for 11 years being who he is. The Donald Trump running for president is not an unknown quantity. The Donald Trump running for president is the Donald Trump everybody's gotten to know, and quite a lot of people watch those Donald Trump TV shows, The Apprentice and whatever else on there.
I think if Donald Trump should become commander in chief, we all want that in a leader, somebody who is able to fight back.
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