A Quote by Zicheng Hong

Those who like tranquility and dislike clamor tend to avoid people to seek quietude. They do not know that when one wishes there were no one around, that is egotism; and when the mind is attached to quietude, that is the root of disturbance. How can they reach the state where others and oneself are seen as one, where disturbance and quietude are both forgotten.
As regards the quietude of the sage, he is not quiet because quietness is said to be good. He is quiet because the multitude of things cannot disturb his quietude. When water is still, one's beard and eyelashes are reflected in it. A skilled carpenter uses it in a level to obtain a measurement. If still water is so clear, how much more are the mental faculties! The mind of the sage is the mirror of heaven and earth in which all things are reflected.
Let us seek to fathom those things that are fathomable and reserve those things which are unfathomable for reverence in quietude.
Dignified and respectful quietude speaks much louder than pomp and circumstance when it comes to remembering those who died.
Not only a truer knowledge, but a greater power comes to one in the quietude and silence of a mind that, instead of bubbling on the surface, can go to its own depths and listen.
I have need to busy my heart with quietude.
Peace can reign only where there is no disturbance, and disturbance is due to thoughts that arise in the mind.
Listen to yourself and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God.
Without quietude you cannot enjoy the cool vibrations of the Divine.
Scepticism is an ability, or mental attitude, which opposes appearances to judgments in any way whatsoever, with the result that,owing to the equipollence of the objects and reasons thus opposed we are brought firstly to a state of mental suspense and next to a state of "unperturbedness" or quietude.
I've never met anybody quite like [Bill Shawn]. He created - and I'm sure it was conscious - an aura about him of quietude.
Withdraw to the untroubled quietude deep within the soul, and refresh yourself.
All sense of hearing and of sight enfold in the serene delight and quietude of sleep.
Inside that quietude there was the firmest of wills. [Bill Shawn] knew exactly what he wanted to do.
Children, pray for the good of everyone. We should pray to God to give a good mind even to those who harm us. One cannot sleep peacefully when there is a theif in the neighborhood. Likewise, when we pray for the well-being of others, it is we who gain peace and quietude. Children, the mantra 'Loka samasta sukhino bhavantu' should be chanted at least once daily.
When you're young you think that you're going to sail into a lovely lake of quietude and peace. This is profoundly untrue.
The resting place of the mind is the heart. The only thing the mind hears all day is clanging bells and noise and argument, and all it wants is quietude. The only place the mind will ever find peace is inside the silence of the heart. That's where you need to go.
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