A Quote by Shefali Zariwala

Things like dressing, postures and gestures are under the artiste's control. If I'm performing, my safety is primarily my responsibilityso I shouldn't end up doing anything that would infuriate the audience.
The cool thing about WWE is it's like entertainment boot camp. You're performing in front of a live audience, a different audience every night. You're doing promos in the ring. You're doing talking segments in the back. You're wrestling. You're performing. It's everything all rolled into one.
I couldn't see a future of doing anything other than performing. I didn't like school if I'm being honest. I would have settled for performing in any capacity.
The way you survive in the performing arts is by having a sense of your audience, and doing things which entertain and satisfy the audience, but in a more important way, cause the audience to question many things.
I was spoiled growing up. My dad would really spoil us. He would bring us to high-end stores and ask us to please try on those clothes. He'd make us try on all the pretty clothes, modeling like that... He liked dressing us up, my dad and my mom they loved dressing up.
I definitely connected to the fact that life gets out of control and you end up doing things and wishing you were doing other things instead.
Most of what I like doing in performing is connecting with an audience. What's the point of doing standup if you're not doing that?
As an artiste, I like things to be interactive and like the audience to get involved in cracking the code, as it were. I like to show them my art, but hide a few golden eggs.
There's a gratification that comes from performing in front of a live audience, and you can't replicate that with anything else. In the studio, the creation part of this business is fun. But, when you see the fans letting you know that they enjoy what you're doing, that's why I keep doing what I do.
I definitely love performing live because there are moments of spontaneity. And as much as you're performing on stage, I feel like the audience is performing, too.
I think I'm a story-based artiste. So I would opt for the performance-oriented role. I usually go by intuition while choosing a script. Also, I do not analyse my performance, nor do I bother about how my film has been performing at the box office. I personally love challenges and am game for taking up things which I haven't attempted before.
You should not think of business while performing your art. This advice holds true for every artiste, irrespective of what he is doing.
On nights like this when the air is so clear, you end up saying things you ordinarily wouldn’t. Without even noticing what you’re doing, you open up your heart and just start talking to the person next to you—you talk as if you have no audience but the glittering stars, far overhead.
My first experiences with fashion were dressing up. It was always about fantasy for me. Dressing up as characters . . . I always thought that's what clothes were - that they would make you into the person you wanted to be. I'm an actress, so I love to act, and I think that's one of the most important things - the thing that makes you feel like another person.
There's so much control of the audience's experience when you're on stage doing a play, whereas when working on camera, there's a lot of people that have to do a lot of things exactly right for anything that I do to matter at all.
There's nothing sexy about doing a nude scene. It's rather uncomfortable. I like dressing up rather than dressing down.
With anything in life, I think that's when you start stressing yourself out - when you start worrying about the things that are out of your control. What I can control is being at my best every day and having no regrets at the end of each day. That's what I plan on doing.
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