A Quote by Ezra Miller

Housing Works is the coolest thrift store in the world, because not only are they the best thrift store - they're not the most thrifty thrift store - but they have amazing stuff and all of their proceeds go directly to kids, mostly homeless kids, living with AIDS and HIV in New York, in the metropolitan area.
Our look evolved from the fact that we bought thrift-store clothes. It wasn't like, 'Let adopt a thrift-store aesthetic.' We just didn't have any money.
I feel like I have to avoid certain thrift store-isms, having been known for the thrift store paintings. It's like I have to not paint that way.
I think Shazam is one of the coolest inventions on the planet, and whether I was in a thrift store or in my car, every other week I was Shazaming another Best Coast song.
My personal closet has mostly vintage and thrift store finds because I like to recycle in many ways.
I like Goodwill and the thrift stores. I don't like going into a store and picking from a bunch of cute stuff that's already been found. One of the best parts is finding it myself.
I've always been a thrift store kid.
We were so poor. Every item of clothing came from a thrift store.
When I was growing up skateboarding, a bunch of friends and I went to this thrift store and as we were leaving I jumped up and passed gas in my friend's face. I turned around and it wasn't my friend, it was this nice old lady who was just walking out of the store. That was probably one of the more awkward apologies I've had to make in my life.
Old is unwanted. You don't find Thais going to the thrift store. They want new clothes. They want the newest cell phone.
My mom passed on her obsession of all things antique or vintage. I love to go thrift store shopping or explore any sort of garage sale. Treasure hunting is a family passion.
A great day on tour would be if I would say a two-hour drive, so you can wake up and you don't have to leave right away. You can go get breakfast somewhere nice that someone recommends in the town, and it turns out to be good. Then you can kind of check out the town, someone might recommend you to a cool thrift store, a record store, a nice park or something. You can have some time to yourself.
I'm on tour all the time, so I stop at thrift shops. The minute we hit a town, I'll have my assistant Googling thrift stores. I have him go check beforehand; then we go there.
I don't have a stylist. That, in a way, is cheating. Put five players in a thrift store and see who has the best style in the end, and then you'll see who has real style.
Fashion is such a weird thing. Growing up, I just made do with whatever I had access to - a lot of hand-me-downs and thrift store shopping.
I'm not too big on accessories, but I love my basic black quartz watch from American Apparel. It's a simple piece that goes with my vintage, thrift store chic style.
After the Texas Playboys and during that time, I had this band in college that I was in called Thrift Store Cowboys. It was me and a couple other dudes would write the songs.
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